- Type your responses with double-spaced text in 12-point Times New Roman font, and one inch margins.
- Be sure to include citations for any references you use (and you should have looked up additional references)
- Turn the paper in to the dropbox on eCourseware before class on October 2 (*this is the first class after the exam!)
Questions to answer (3 points each)
- What did your group conclude about the risk of deodorant causing cancer? Did you agree or disagree with members in your group? Explain any differences in thought you had during the discussion.
- What additional information / studies were brought up in your group that supported or called into question the results of the studies? Did you agree or disagree with members in your group? Explain any differences in thought you had during the discussion.
- Considering both what you were given to read and the additional information that was discovered, what did you learn by reading the articles, looking for more information and participating in the discussion? How do you think this information might affect you in the real world