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in the prologue of chaucer’s the canterbury tales what does the stained attire

What does the stained attire of the Knight? – In “The Prologue” of Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales,” what does the stained attire of the Knight suggest about his personality? The Knight is modest and honorable. In “The Prologue” of Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales,” what flaws are attributed to the Church based on the description of the Prioress and the Monk?

How was Knight dressed in Chaucer’s Prologue to the Canterbury Tales? – In the Prologue, humbled by his life experiences, the Knight dresses plainly. Garbed in a stained coarse cotton tunic, the Knight sits upon his horse. His armor left dark smudges on his tunic. Seen in a different setting, the Knight’s attire would say little about his life as an honorable man.

How was the Knight dressed What does this tell us about his personality? – What does this tell us about his personality? He is wearing a short cloak made of cloth like Pope. He was round and shapely. This tells us that his clothing and appearance are in direct contrast with his position in teh church.

Who was dressed in green among the pilgrims in Canterbury Tales? – The Knight travels with only one servant, or yeoman, and one who looks like Robin Hood. Seriously, this guy is dressed all in green and decked out with a bow and arrows, a dagger, and a sword. His hair is short, and his face is brown, suggesting that he spends a lot of time outside.

How does Chaucer describe the Knight in the Canterbury Tales? – Chaucer describes the Knight as a gentleman of upstanding moral and chivalrous honor, and many lines discuss his extensive and impressive history in warfare. Though Chaucer doesn’t state it directly, the many classical allusions within “The Knight’s Tale” also suggest that the Knight is highly educated.

What does the Knight do in Canterbury Tales? – The Canterbury Tales Socially, the Knight is by far the most prestigious person on the pilgrimage. He has fought in many battles and served his king nobly. (Readers should note that the Knight has not fought in secular battles; all his battles have been religious battles of some nature.)

What did the host wear in The Canterbury Tales? – He wore a coat and hood of green. Yeoman.

What did the Summoner wear in Canterbury Tales? – shows the Summoner in a blue jacket with scarlet pantaloons, whereas his official costume appears to have been of a tawny colour. He wears a garland and carries a cake as mentioned by Chaucer, and holds out a writ of summons in his hand.

What is ironic in the prioress’s apparel? – The description of the prioress is ironic, the prioress’s name is Madam Eglantyne. Because Mary is the embodiment of love and mercy… The irony is that she does not possess any of these qualities.

What is one thing Chaucer tell us about the Knight that reveals the values of the society and times he lives in? – By describing his characters outright through direct characterization, a method of describing characters by stating their personality traits outright, Chaucer tells us that the Knight adheres to the moral Code of Chivalry, which is a code of honor that celebrated truth, honor, bravery, and respect for women.

What is ironic about the Knight in The Canterbury Tales? – The two men pray to Greek gods for Emelye’s love and hand in marriage, but Emelye secretly prays to stay single until she finds true love. The dramatic irony used in the Knight’s tale is Chaucer’s way of pointing out that life is unpredictable, isn’t fair and comes with joys and sorrows.

How does the Knight’s Tale reflect the identity of the Knight himself? – Part I: The Knight’s Tale perfectly fits the Knight himself: That is, he chooses a story filled with knights, love, honor, chivalry, and adventure. The emphasis in the story is upon rules of honor and proper conduct. Theseus, like the Knight himself, is an embodiment of the ideal Human Justice — reason.

What does the Squire wear? – Clothing. In regards to being fashionable, the Squire is not only dressed in the finest clothes but also mounted on his horse rather well. “He was embroidered like a meadow bright” which (at the time) was a sign of highest class.

Why does the Wife of Bath wear red? – When her husband leaves town for business, she goes out to flirt with other men, and she always wears red clothes to attract attention to herself. The Wife of Bath marries much younger men, and the age difference does not matter to her.

What does the cook wear in The Canterbury Tales? – The Ellesmere manuscript, an illustrated medieval manuscript of The Canterbury Tales, depicts the Cook as being slightly rotund, with dark skin and hair. He wears a hat and an apron, but doesn’t appear to have much covering his legs in the Ellesmere painting.

How is the Knight described in Canterbury Tales prologue? – In the narrator’s eyes, the Knight is the noblest of the pilgrims, embodying military prowess, loyalty, honor, generosity, and good manners. The Knight conducts himself in a polite and mild fashion, never saying an unkind word about anyone.

Who is the Knight in the General Prologue? – The Knight is described by Chaucer in the “General Prologue” as the person of highest social standing amongst the pilgrims, though his manners and clothes are unpretentious. We are told that he has taken part in some fifteen crusades in many countries and also fought for one pagan leader against another.

How does Chaucer describe the Knight quizlet? – The Knight was described as possessing fine horses, not gaily dressed (modest) but wore a thick tunic and armor.

What is ironic about the Knight in The Canterbury Tales? – The two men pray to Greek gods for Emelye’s love and hand in marriage, but Emelye secretly prays to stay single until she finds true love. The dramatic irony used in the Knight’s tale is Chaucer’s way of pointing out that life is unpredictable, isn’t fair and comes with joys and sorrows.


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