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OSHA Case Studies

OSHA Case Studies. Please submit 3 separate word documents.

1.You managed to schedule an informal conference with the area director at the regional OSHA office four days after you received the Notice of Citations and Penalty. Based on the citations and penalties you received in Unit III, prepare a document that lists the citations and penalties you wish to discuss with the area director.

You should summarize what you are trying to accomplish in regard to each citation/penalty you choose, to include:

  • the      information you will use to try and accomplish your goal,
  • the      information you will take with you to the meeting, and
  • who      will accompany you to the meeting.

You must support your actions with reliable sources. Your grade will be based on your ability to present a case to your professor (serving as the area director) to reduce either the severity of some citations or the amount of some penalties. If you simply state that you accept the citations and penalties as written, you will receive a minimal score on the assignment. Your response must be a minimum of two pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. You must use at least one reference in the paper. All sources must be cited in the text and on the reference page, using APA style.

2. You fail to reach an informal settlement agreement with the area director. You file a Notice to Contest within the required 15-day period. Your case is assigned to an administrative law judge (ALJ). Prepare a document summarizing the case you will submit to the ALJ. The document should, at a minimum, discuss the following issues:

  • which      citations and penalties you would contest,
  • the      reasoning behind each contested citation and/or penalty,
  • documents      you would bring to the hearing,
  • individuals      you would use at the hearing,
  • how      the case before the ALJ differs from the informal conference,
  • what      information will be presented before the ALJ that was not presented in the      informal conference, and
  • what      information you would request from OSHA as part of discovery.

You must support your actions with reliable sources. Your grade will be based on your ability to present a case to your professor, serving as the ALJ, to reduce or vacate either the severity of some citations or the amount of some penalties. If you simply state that you accept the citations and penalties as written, you will receive a minimal score on the assignment.

Your response must be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least one reference. All sources must be cited in the text and on the reference page, using APA style.

3. Assume that a fatality occurred at your facility one month prior to the OSHA inspection. Review the citations and penalties that were assessed to your facility, and respond to the following questions:

  • Which      of the citations could be referred to the U.S. DOJ for criminal      proceedings?
  • What      conditions would have to be met before the citations could be referred for      criminal proceedings?
  • Which      individuals working at your facility could face criminal charges under the      act?
  • What      would be the maximum prison sentence and fines that any individual would      face?
  • What      would be the maximum fine that the company would face?
  • If you      were facing criminal charges under the act, what would be your best      defense?
  • How      could you involve the OSHRC in the criminal case(s)?

Your response must be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least one reference. All sources must be cited in the text and on the reference page, using APA style.

OSHA Case Studies


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