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The Globe

The Globe.

  • In your own words, explain to the other swashbucklers what the north-south and east-west lines represent.
  • Explain how difficult would it be to pinpoint a location on a globe without using a coordinate system.
  • Describe your plan to figure out where you are and how you could get back home. Work with the others to devise a plan. The best laid plans will earn extra points.


Your write-up should be at least 250 words. Thoughtfully respond to at least two other swashbucklers – you may comment about their approach to locating landmarks on a map using the coordinate system or help them brainstorm on how you are going to help each other get back home. Each response to your fellow shipmates should be a least 40 words (about 3 sentences). Please review the rubric to see how you will be assessed by the Captain. This is your first chance at earning some gold!

The Globe


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