Dentists’ attitude towards Occupational Health and Safety Policies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
This section is disclosing the ….
Research Design
The study design is descriptive quantitative cross-sectional design
Study Setting
The study site is Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
(please write about dentists at governmental hospitals in Riyadh and how Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia).
Study Population and Sampling Technique
Study Population
Dentists briefly about their job and how it is affected by occupational health and safety policies.
The target population of the study are dentists at Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This includes Dental Postgraduate Students, General Practice Dentists, Dental Registrars, and Consultants.
Inclusion Criteria
All graduated dentists who worked at governmental hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Exclusion Criteria
Dental students, dental assistances, dental interns, dental hygienists, and dentists who worked outside Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Sampling Scheme
Convenient sampling has been used (95% confidence level and 5% margin errors).
Sample Size Calculation
· Total dentists at governmental hospitals in Riyadh are 1327
· Margin of error = 5%
· Confidence level = 95%
· Population Size=1327
· The recommended sample size = 299
Tools and Instrumentation
· The survey used 5-point Likert scale ranking responses.
· The questionnaire drafted by the learner based on Employee Health Program Policy (2018) and JCI occupational health and safety aspects (2017).
· Reliability Statistics: Cronbach’s Alpha 0.93α it is excellent. In general, a score of more than 0.7 is usually okay. However, some authors suggest higher values of 0.90 to 0.95. N of Items= 19. Cronbach’s Alpha Based on Standardized Items .933
· First, the questionnaire asks the respondents if they lived in Riyadh city before administering the survey. If the respondents’ answer no the system will exclude them further it will end the survey automatically. Also, the survey asks for informed consent if they approve they will be able to continue the survey.
· The survey contains eight sections in which the first section includes:
1. Informed consent.
2. Demographic questions
3. Pre-employment screening
4. Periodic medical examination
5. Vaccination
6. Training
7. Work-related conditions
8. General questions about OHS policies
· The study piloted for 10% of the sample size (~20 dentists) to determine level of understanding and any difficulties.
Data Collection
Self-administer questionnaire to dentists who worked at governmental hospitals in Riyadh.
Data Analysis
Using SPSS (frequencies, mean, rank, and correlation between variables).
Ethical Considerations
Informed consent in the beginning of the survey. Upon approval, the respondent can complete the survey. No private information was required to complete the survey.