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final paper

final paper.

The  research paper due for this course is to pick one of the following  theories and explain how it affects criminal behaviors. The choices to  pick form are (1) Physical Features, (2) Genetics/Family, (3)  Intelligence, (4) Neighborhoods/Environment, or (5) Power/Status.  You  are to briefly explain the theory. Then you are to argue in favor of the  theory that it does effect criminal behavior and then argue against it  effecting criminal behavior using facts to support both sides. You will  then pick a side of the argument that you agree with and explain why you  agree with that side of the argument. Finally you will give suggestions  on how to expand or change the theory.
Remember,  you are only identifying the specific theory that you will be  conducting your research on and why you selected that specific area. The  complete research paper is not due until Unit 6.
The  paper shall be in APA format, typed in 12 font Times New Roman, and  shall not have been turned in previously to any other instructor for any  other course or assignment.  Paper length is 1-2 pages not to include the cover page or bibliography.  It is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document.  The research paper shall be an individual effort and not a group  project.  Since criminal justice is a social science, the writing  requirements of the American Psychological Association, otherwise known  as the APA, will be in effect for the research paper assignment.
The  paper shall be in APA format, typed in 12 font Times New Roman, and  shall not have been turned in previously to any other instructor for any  other course or assignment. Paper length is eight to ten pages not to include the cover page or bibliography with a minimum of 7 sources. Wikipedia and other encyclopedias are not acceptable sources It is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document. Paper will be submitted to SafeAssign link provided.
The  research paper due for this course is to pick one of the following  theories and explain how it affects criminal behaviors. The choices to  pick form are (1) Physical Features, (2) Genetics/Family, (3)  Intelligence, (4) Neighborhoods/Environment, or (5) Power/Status.  You  are to briefly explain the theory. Then you are to argue in favor of the  theory that it does effect criminal behavior and then argue against it  effecting criminal behavior using facts to support both sides. You will  then pick a side of the argument that you agree with and explain why you  agree with that side of the argument. Finally you will give suggestions  on how to expand or change the theory.
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final paper


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