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ART 101 Study Guide for the Quizzes This Study Guide provides lists of specific works, terms and individuals on which the quizzes will be based.

ART 101 Study Guide for the Quizzes This Study Guide provides lists of specific works, terms and individuals on which the quizzes will be based..

ART 101 Study Guide for the Quizzes This Study Guide provides lists of specific works, terms and individuals on which the

quizzes will be based. Be able to identify the artists and titles, but also know about the

subjects, stylistic qualities and why these works are good examples of their respective

periods. It’s helpful to have the study guide at hand while reading the Stokstad text, so

that you’ll know on which works to focus. The numbers correspond to the illustration

numbers in the text.

Module 1 Quiz is based on the following artworks and vocabulary:

Paleolithic period, 40,000-7,000 BCE

1-1 Spotted Horses with Human Hands

1-7 Woman of Willendorf

1-11 Hall of Bulls, Lascaux,

1-12 Bird Headed Man with Bison

1-13 Bison, from Altamira

Neolithic period, 8,000-2,300 BCE

1-21, 1-22 Stonehenge

Vocabulary to know for prehistoric art: megalith post and lintel

Mesopotamian art: Sumerian, 3,500-2,340 BCE

2-4 Carved Vase (Uruk Vase)

2-5 Votive Statues from the Square Temple

page 32 Great Lyre with Bull’s Head

2-8 Cylinder Seal and its impression

Mesopotamian art: Akkadian, 2340-2180 BCE

2-1 Stele of Naramsin

Mesopotamian art: Ur and Lagash 2-11 Nanna Ziggurat, Ur 2-12 Votive Statue of Gudea

Mesopotamian art: Babylonian, 1800-1600 BCE

2-13 Stele of Hammurabi

Vocabulary and names to know for Prehistoric and Mesopotamian art: Cuneiform Gudea





Module 2 Quiz is based on the following artworks and vocabulary:

Egyptian art, Old Kingdom, 3,000-2181 BCE

Page 53 Palette of Narmer

3-4 Stepped Pyramid of Djoser

3-5 Great Pyramids, Giza

3-9 Khafre

3-10 Menkaure and a Queen

3-11 Seated Scribe

3-13 Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt

Egyptian art: Middle Kingdom, 2055-1650 BCE

3-15 Rock-cut Tombs, Beni Hasan

Egyptian art: New Kingdom, 1550-1069 BCE

3-1 Funerary Mask of Tutankhamen

3-23 Funerary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut

3-28 Akhenaten and his Family

3-30 Nefertiti

3-32 Inner coffin of Tutankhamen

3-37 Judgment of Hunefer Before Osiris

Vocabulary and names to know for the Egyptian periods Akhenaten and Nefertiti Djoser





Menkaure, Khafre and Khufu




Module 3 Quiz is based on the following artworks and vocabulary:

Aegean art: Minoan, 3,000-1,375 BCE

4-5 Reconstruction of the Palace of Knossos

4-7 Bull Leaping

4-9 Harvester Vase

4-11 Octopus Flask

4-13 Vapheio cup

Aegean art: Mycenaean, 3,000-1,000 BCE

4-16, 4-17 Citadel, Mycenae, with Lion Gate

4-21 “Mask of Agamemnon”

4-22 Dagger Blade with Lion Hunt

4-23 to 4-25 Treasury of Atreus

Vocabulary to know for the Aegean cultures: corbelling fresco kamares

ware relieving

triangle tholos

Greek vase painting 5-2 Funerary vase (krater) from the Dipylon Cemetery, Athens,

an example of the Geometric style

5-4 Olpe, from Corinth

an example of the Orientalizing style

5-1 Exekias, Ajax and Achilles Playing a Game (amphora)

an example of Black figure style

page 122 Euphronios and Euxitheos, Death of Sarpedon (krater),

an example of Red Figure style

Greek Archaic period, sculpture and architecture, 620-480 BCE

5-9A, 5-9B Temple of Hera I

5-13 to 5-15 Pediment from the Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, and two warriors

5-18 Standing Youth (Kouros)

5-20 Anavysos Kouros

5-21 Peplos Kore

Vocabulary for Archaic Greek art: amphora kore




Module 4 Quiz is based on the following artworks and vocabulary:

Greek Classical period, 480-323 BCE

5-30 Warrior

5-37 Kallikrates and Iktinos, Parthenon, Athens

5-38 sculpture from east pediment of the Parthenon

5-41 Young Women and Men, Parthenon frieze detail

5-43 Polykleitos, Spear Bearer (Doryphoros)

5-45, 5-46 Porch of the Maidens, Erechtheion, Athens

5-47 Nike Adjusting her Sandal

5-53 Praxiteles(?), Hermes and the Infant Dionysos

5-54 Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knidos

5-55 Lysippos, The Man Scraping Himself (Apoxyomenos)

5-57 Battle of Issos

Greek Hellenistic period, 323-31 BCE

Page 151 Theater at Epidauros

5-63, 5-64 Altar from Pergamon, Athena Attacking the Giants

5-65 Laocoon and his Sons

5-66 Nike of Samothrace

5-67 Old Woman

5-68 Aphrodite of Melos (Venus de Milo)

Vocabulary and names to know for Classical and Hellenistic Greece: architrave caryatid cella

(naos) column



Corinthian column

Doric column


Ionic column


Iktinos and Kallikrates





Alexander the Great

Module 5 Quiz is based on the following artworks and vocabulary

Roman period, 509 BCE – 330 CE

6-15 Patrician Carrying Portrait Busts of Two Ancestors

6-16 Pont du Gard, Nimes

6-18 Augustus of Primaporta

6-19, 6-21 Ara Pacis Augustae, Imperial Procession

6-29 Initiation Rites of the Cult of Bacchus

6-30 Cityscape

6-35, 6-36 Arch of Titus, Spoils from the Temple of Jerusalem

6-37, 6-38 Colosseum, Rome

6-48 to 6-51 Pantheon, Rome

6-56 Equestrian Statue to Marcus Aurelius

6-59 Caracalla

6-65, 6-66 Arch of Constantine and its reliefs

6-67, 6-68A-B Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine

Vocabulary and names to know for Roman art:


arcade arch


barrel vault






groin vault


triumphal arch

Module 6 Quiz is based on the following artworks and vocabulary:

Judaic and Early Christian art, 1 st

through 6 th


7-3, 7-4 Synagogue from Dura-Europas, Syria, with The Crossing of the Red Sea

7-8 Good Shepherd, Orants, and Story of Jonah, catacomb ceiling

7-12 Church of Santa Sabina, Rome

7-10, 7-11 reconstruction of Old Saint Peters

7-14A-B, 17-15 Church of Santa Costanza, Rome

7-17 Sarcophagus of Constantia

7-18 Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus

7-21 Good Shepherd mosaic

Vocabulary for Judaic and Early Christian art ambulatory apse






Module 7 Quiz is based on the following artworks and vocabulary:

Byzantine art, begins in the 5 th


8-2 to 8-4 Church of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul

8-5, 8-6 Church of San Vitale, Ravenna

8-7 Christ Enthroned

8-8 Emperor Justinian and Attendants, San Vitale

8-9 Empress Theodora and Attendants, San Vitale

8-21 Christ Panokrator

8-22 Crucifixion

Early Islamic art, 610-10 th


9-3A-B, 9-4 Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

9-6 to 9-9 Great Mosque, Cordoba

Vocabulary for Byzantine and Early Islamic art: Justinian Theodora






Module 8 Quiz is based on the following artworks and vocabulary:

Romanesque period, 1050-1150

16-4, 16-5 Cathedral of Saint James, Santiago de Compostela

16-21, 16-22 South Portal, Church of Saint Pierre, Moissac

page 496 Last Judgment tympanum, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun

16-27 Virgin and Child

page 501 Bayeux Tapestry

16-34 St. Matthew, from the Codex Colbertinus

Gothic period, 1150-1400

Know about Abbot Suger, and how he initiated Gothic architecture with Abbey Church

of Saint-Denis.

17-4 to 17-6, 17-8, 17-9, 17-10 Chartres Cathedral, its sculpture and glass

17-14 Annunciation and Visitation, Reims Cathedral

17-21 Queen Blanche of Castile and Louis IX, from a Moralized Bible

Vocabulary and names to know: Abbot Suger ambulatory



flying buttress


jamb statues


ribbed vault

rose window





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ART 101 Study Guide for the Quizzes This Study Guide provides lists of specific works, terms and individuals on which the quizzes will be based.


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