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Create an 8 12-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation on gender and communication in the workplace.

Create an 8 12-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation on gender and communication in the workplace.

This assessment allows you to apply what you know about gender and communication to a professional environment.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Critically analyze issues related to gender and communication.
Describe how male and female leadership styles differ in the workplace
Competency 2: Evaluate personal and social dimensions of gender, communication, and culture.
Explain what gender barriers exist in the workplace.
Competency 4: Identify effective leadership strategies which promote effective communication between men and women.
Describe how to promote effective leadership strategies for both men and women in the workplace.
Describe how to promote effective communication between men and women in the workplace.
Competency 5: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats.
Develop a well-organized oral PowerPoint presentation.
Communicate with a clear voice and use correct pronunciation.
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

How do male and female leadership styles differ in the workplace?
What strategies can we use to minimize gender barriers in the workplace?
How can we promote effective leadership strategies and effective communication between men and women in the workplace?


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