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disability as a means of innovationAnswers 1. 48.

disability as a means of innovationAnswers 1. 48..

Assignment #4“Disability as a Means of Innovation” Inquiry Paper10 pointsFor this assignment investigate the following topic: The Straw BanBackground: There is great debate around the subject of straws and their impact on the environment. Within this debate have emerged unique perspectives of people in the disability community. You are required to write a two-page paper, double spaced, 12 point font, addressing the following points and questions. You must include the section title above each response. Failure to follow formatting guidelines will result in a loss of 2 points.  ● Introduction – 1 pointOpening statement of topic area (1 short paragraph) ● References & Summaries – 6 pointsName the websites, readings, blogs, and/or documentary films you utilized in your inquiry. You should use at least 3 reputable sources with distinct perspectives. Include links to any online sources used. What were the main points or arguments of each source? Write a 1 paragraph summary of each source (total of 3 paragraphs worth 2 points each).● Class Connections – 1 pointWhich of these fundamental areas does this topic touch on? Choose 2 areas. How does the topic relate to the areas chosen? Explain. (1 paragraph)○ Ableism, Social Model of Disability, accessibility, accommodations, assistive technology, inspiration porn, disability rights, respectful language, intersectionality● Reflection – 1 pointI used to think that… Why did you think that?  Now I think that… Why do you think that now? What changed in your thinking?  (1 paragraph). ● Closing – 1 pointIn this context, how is disability a tool or a means of innovation? How has the straw ban debate evolved toward new possibilities as a result of disability representation? Or how has it not evolved toward new possibilities? Explain. (2-3 sentences)

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disability as a means of innovationAnswers 1. 48.


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