Precision and ritual in the legal process.
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Trial by mathematics: precision and ritual in the legal process
Joseph Kadane’s book: “Statistics in the Law: A Practitioner’s Guide, Cases, and Materials.”
Laurence Tribe: “Trial by Mathematics: Precision and Ritual in the Legal Process”
Tribe’s extract:
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Use a few cases where statistics was used successfully/unsuccessfully
Good vs bad
Talk about the legal process
Maybe break it down into the core steps of a trial by mathematics
History & collins case -> last name starts with an L
Bayesian analysis
End question: Is there room for mathematics in the judicial process?
Presentation Outline:
General introduction, history, summary of math/stats in legal processes.
Tribe’s extract:
Briefly talk about the history of math, and then history of law so you can compare and contrast easier later
Compare&Contrast the topics of math and law,
Mention some cases
Talk about most prevalent methods (Bayesian analysis)
Talk about case studies (good & bad)
What is the case about?
Who was the jury?
What math/stats methods were used? How were they used? Should they have been used?
Was the correct verdict made?
Talk about the future of math & stats in the legal process. Should we use it more/less? Should it be mandatory or abolished? Let’s use our research to answer these thought provoking questions.
To Do List & Deadlines:
Detailed Outline (quarter-page)
Brief Summary of what we wanna talk about – December 21st
3 cases with details (bad stats)
3 cases with details (good stats)
Stats methods & some explanation of each
History & Summary of Article
the book by Kadane is a good starting point, mainly the bad cases will be obvious because it usually resulted in an unjust verdict and conversely the good applications helped justice prevail
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