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What is the targeted selected organization that you plan to evaluate and apply your research / operational problem to?

What is the targeted selected organization that you plan to evaluate and apply your research / operational problem to?.

1st: need a mock leter of intent filled out completely, it is attached

2nd: need 5w’s filled out, it is attached



3rd:  It Systems Theories Draft Project::::

Submit at least a five page assignment that contains the following information as you articulate your research topic within the proposed  topic:

• Develop a draft of the research problem / topic within the first two paragraphs of the assignment

• Develop a draft set of research questions related to the selected research problem

• What is the targeted selected organization that you plan to evaluate and apply your research / operational problem to?

• Articulate and elaborate the characteristics and dynamics of the selected organization and how it aligns with the proposed research problem and research questions.

• Articulate what academic and practitioner based literature supports the proposed research problem and how it relates to the selected organization.

• Develop a set of hypothesis related to desired discoveries / outcomes of the intended research of the problem statement / topic.



Assignment expectations

Submit at minimum a 5-page paper (excluding cover sheet and references, figures, sections with bullets, and tables unless the tables are specified in the instructions), double spaced, no extra spaces, and 1-inch margins, that answers the questions using past readings and references.

The paper will have a proper main heading stating the name of the class, module number, and title of the paper. The paper will generally follow the outline above.

All assertions and key discussion points are properly cited using APA format. In other words, any sentence or paragraph that contains material derived or synthesized from the background reading or other sources will be cited. References are in APA format. All references are cited at least once.








Using an appropriate cover sheet, create a doctoral study Section 1 that addresses the following:

1.1 Introduction. Overview of the project – The impetus for the study.

1.2 The problem. A discussion on the organization or organizational elements that will be studied. Leadership, Management, Operations, some or all. What do they do, what is their purpose? What type of generic and specific processes do they execute in accordance with the material learned? What type of tools do they use in accordance with the material learned? A discussion of why there is a “perceived challenge/problem” in the organization (i.e., do we know there is a problem to be fixed or are we searching for one or more?). A discussion on the vision or desired end state after problem resolution – what will be more effective or efficient?

1.3 Areas to be analyzed. A discussion on which facets will be analyzed to include some or all of the following, which come from the Cases/SLP of this class:

1.3.1 The Organizational Structure, since processes and organizational structure are always intertwined. What type of structure is it? Provide a graphic of the org structure. Are there any indications of areas that need to be assessed in advance of inquiring through interviews or surveys?

1.3.2 The vertical processes within an org structure (Management). Provide a simple work flow of the situational awareness and decision-making processes. Are there any indications of areas that need to be assessed in advance of inquiring through interviews or surveys?

1.3.3 The horizontal processes within org structure (Product or Service Accomplishment). Describe the process in accordance with Case readings. Provide a simple work flow of the horizontal processes. Are there any indications of areas that need to be assessed in advance of inquiring through interviews or surveys?

1.3.4 The way processes are learned. Are there formal or informal learning methods for each process? What are they? Are they optional, are they mandatory, for some or for all? Are there any indications of areas that need to be assessed in advance of inquiring through interviews or surveys?

1.3.5 The IT systems (i.e., Enterprise Systems that support vertical or horizontal processes; decision making or product/service accomplishment). What are the tools that enable vertical (situational awareness or decision making) or horizontal process (service or product) accomplishment? Are there any indications of areas that need to be assessed in advance of inquiring through interviews or surveys?

The above would lead to the methodology section (i.e., what data for each of the above will be gathered, how will the data be gathered, from whom will it be gathered, how will it be analyzed?).

Assignment Expectations

Submit at minimum a 5-page paper (excluding cover sheet and references, figures, sections with bullets, and tables unless the tables are specified in the instructions), double spaced, no extra spaces, and 1-inch margins, that answers the questions using past readings and references.

The paper will have a proper main heading stating the name of the class, module number, and title of the paper. The paper will generally follow the outline above.

All assertions and key discussion points are properly cited using APA format. In other words, any sentence or paragraph that contains material derived or synthesized from the background reading or other sources will be cited. References are in APA format. All references are cited at least once.



This assignment has 4 parts and will require depth and intelligence.


Please be mindful of the directions for each assignment, produce somwthing original and ensure they are delivered on time.  


What is the targeted selected organization that you plan to evaluate and apply your research / operational problem to?


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