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Unit 9

Please can you do this Unit 9 Assignment 1 & Discussion 1? $50.00 Due (Friday) 6/01/2018.
· Diagnostic Skill Application II
For this assignment, you are provided with four video case studies (linked in the Resources). Review the cases of Julio and Kimi, and choose either Reese or Daneer for the third case.
Review these two videos:
· The Case of Julio:
Julio is a 36-year-old single gay male. He is of Cuban descent. He was born and raised in Florida by his parents with his two sisters. He attended community college but did not follow through with his plan to obtain a four-year degree, because his poor test taking skills created barriers. He currently works for a sales promotion company, where he is tasked with creating ads for local businesses. He enjoys the more social aspects of his job, but tracking the details is challenging and has caused him to lose jobs in the past. He has been dating his partner, Justin, for five years. Justin feels it is time for them to commit and build a future. Justin is frustrated that Julio refuses to plan the wedding and tends to blame Julio’s family. While Julio’s parents hold some traditional religious values, they would welcome Justin into the family but are respectfully waiting for Julio to make his plans known. Justin is as overwhelmed by the details at home as he is at work.
· The Case of Kimi:
Kimi is a 48-year-old female currently separated from her husband, Robert, of 16 years. They have no children, which was consistent with Kimi’s desire to focus on her career as a sales manager. She told Robert a pregnancy would wreck her efforts to maintain her body. His desire to have a family was a goal he decided he needed to pursue with someone else. He left Kimi six months ago for a much younger woman and filed for divorce. Kimi began having issues with food during high school when she was on the dance team and felt self-conscious wearing the form-fitting uniform. During college, she sought treatment because her roommate became alarmed by her issues around eating. She never told her parents about this and felt it was behind her. Her parents are Danish and value privacy. They always expected Kimi to be independent. Her lack of communication about her private life did not concern them. They are troubled by Robert’s behavior and consider his conspicuous infidelity as a poor reflection upon their family. Kimi has moved in with her parents while she and Robert are selling the house, which has upended the balance in their relationship.
For a third case, choose one of these videos:
· The Case of Reese:
Reese is a 44-year-old married African American female. Her parents live in another state, and she is their only child. Her father is a retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel who was stationed both in the United States and overseas while Reese was growing up. She entered the Air Force as soon as she graduated high school at age 17 and has achieved the rank of Chief Master Sergeant. She has been married 15 years to John, and they recently discovered she is pregnant. The unexpected pregnancy has been quite disorienting for someone who has planned and structured major decision her entire life. Reese is fiercely loyal to her extended family and frequently travels to help her parents care for her aunts, uncles, and cousins whenever they experience hardships. Her efforts are not always appreciated, because she offers very specific guidance and is easily frustrated by their lack of follow through.
· The Case of Daneer:
Daneer is a 50-year-old male. He emigrated to the United States from Serbia with his parents and older brother when he was four years old. Daneer and his brother were harshly disciplined by their parents when they failed to follow family rules or did not live up to their standards. It was not unusual for his parents to refuse to speak to the boys for days when their grades were low. Daneer’s parents are practicing Muslims, but Daneer rejected their faith when he reached adulthood. His relationship with his parents and brother are strained by his tendency to alternate between being a doting son and lashing out when they rebuke his lifestyle. They disapprove of his life choices that are inconsistent with their religious beliefs. Daneer was briefly married in his 20s, but his wife left him after six months and filed an order of protection. He was briefly hospitalized after a serious suicide attempt shortly after his marriage ended. He has worked several jobs as a waiter and often quits before he is fired due to conflicts with other staff.
Download the Unit 9 Assignment Template. Use it to complete your assignment.
For each case, you will complete a diagnostic analysis you select from the list of assessment tools provided late in this assignment. Each case requires the following information to be addressed:
· Describe presenting concerns and relevant history.
· Explain what information is still needed to make a differential diagnosis and evaluate how at least one assessment tool, which is listed in the List of Assessment Tools resource, will aid in obtaining that information. The Differential Diagnosis Decision Tree may be helpful to guide this process.
· Present DSM-5 and ICD-10 codes including relevant V and Z codes. Assume that the client has presented for treatment with their partner or parents.
· Provide a descriptive rationale for the DSM diagnosis that best fits the information provided, including relevant ICD codes. This should be written in a narrative form using complete sentences. Support your rationale with scholarly sources. Optional readings found in the course syllabus may be particularly relevant.
· Describe indications or contraindications that help determine whether a medication consultation is appropriate, and provide rationale with support from scholarly sources.
List of Assessments and Supporting Resources
· Derogatis, L. R. (1977). Symptom Checklist-90–Revised. Psyctests, doi:10.1037/t01210-000
o Grande, T. L., Newmeyer, M. D., Underwood, L. A., & Williams, C. R. (2014). Path analysis of the SCL-90-R: Exploring use in outpatient assessment. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 47(4), 271–290.
· Hain, S., Schermelleh-Engel, K., Freitag, C., Louwen, F., & Oddo, S. (2016). Personality Styles and Disorder Inventory—Short form. Psyctests, doi:10.1037/t58367-000
o Hain, S., Schermelleh-Engel, K., Freitag, C., Louwen, F., & Oddo, S. (2016). Development of a short form of the Personality Styles and Disorder Inventory (PSDI-6): Initial validation in a sample of pregnant women. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 32(4), 283–290.
o Review this source toto be able to interpret the Personality Styles and Disorder Inventory—Short form.
· Henderson, K. A., Buchholz, A., Perkins, J., Norwood, S., Obeid, N., Spettigue, W., & Feder, S. (2010). Eating disorders symptoms severity scale. Psyctests. doi:10.1037/t10209-00
o Henderson, K. A., Buchholz, A., Perkins, J., Norwood, S., Obeid, N., Spettigue, W., & Feder, S. (2010). Eating disorder symptom severity scale: A new clinician rated measure. Eating Disorders, 18(4), 333–346.
o Review this source to be able to interpret the Eating Disorder Symptom Severity Scale.
· Kessler, R. C., Adler, L., Ames, M., Demler, O., Faraone, S., Hiripi, E., & Walters, E. E. (2005). Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Symptom Checklist. Psyctests. doi:10.1037/t03454-000
o Leithead, L., & Freeborn, D. (2013). A practical guide for diagnosing adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 9(10), 688–694.
o Review this source to be able to interpret the ADHD Self-Report Scale Symptom Checklist.
Submission Requirements
· Written communication: Written communication must be grammatically correct and free of errors that detract from the overall message. Writing should be consistent with graduate level scholarship.
· APA formatting: Title page, main body, and references should be formatted according to the current APA style and formatting.
· Number of resources: Minimum of six scholarly resources. Distinguished submissions typically exceed this minimum.
· Length of paper: 7–9 typed double-spaced pages. Abstract and Table of Content pages are not necessary.
· Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
· Diagnostic Skill Application II Scoring Guide.
· Eating Disorders Symptoms Severity Scale.
· Unit 9 Assignment Template [DOC].
· Path Analysis of the SCL-90-R: Exploring Use in Outpatient Assessment.
· Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Symptom Checklist.
· Eating disorder symptom severity scale: A new clinician rated measure..
· Personality Styles and Disorder Inventory.
· Development of a Short Form of the Personality Styles and Disorder Inventory (PSDI-6): Initial Validation in a Sample of Pregnant Women.
· Symptom Checklist-90–Revised.
· American Psychiatric Association.
· The Case of Daneer | Transcript.
· A Practical Guide for Diagnosing Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
· APA Style and Format.
· Differential Diagnosis by the Trees.
· The Case of Kimi | Transcript.
· The Case of Julio | Transcript.
· The Case of Reese | Transcript.
· Writing Feedback Tool.
[u09d1] Unit 9 Discussion 1
UNIT 9 Discussion 1 
Exploring the Etiology of Schizophrenia
In their book Divided Minds, identical twins Carolyn Spiro and Pamela Spiro Wagner describe a close childhood relationship, apart from typical sibling rivalries. Carolyn often felt she had to prove that she was as intelligent and creative as Pamela. As they entered their teenage years, however, the twins grew apart. Pamela’s increasingly bizarre behaviors became an embarrassment to Carolyn. By the time the twins were college students at Brown University, Pamela was becoming more and more reclusive. Eventually, Pamela had a psychotic episode, although it was years before she was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Carolyn went on to graduate from Brown and then from Harvard Medical School. She is now a practicing psychiatrist. Pamela lives nearby, doing her artwork when she can but constantly battling to keep her schizophrenia under control with medications and therapy. The twins once again are very close emotionally.
Address the following using headings to match content in each bullet point:
· Drawing from the unit readings and your understanding of the etiology of schizophrenia, how might you explain why Pamela developed schizophrenia but Carolyn did not?
Support your ideas with references to the course texts, articles from this learning unit, articles from the Optional Readings, or articles from peer-reviewed journals that you locate in the Capella University Library.
Response Guidelines
Respond to the initial discussion post of one other learner. What reactions do you have to the ideas the learner has presented? Include examples from your own experience to support your perspective, and raise questions to continue the dialogue.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
· Identify the main symptoms observed in persons who are experiencing psychological disorder.
· Use language appropriate for a counseling professional.
· Cite and reference resources, giving appropriate credit for another’s work.
· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
· Capella University Library.
· Masters in Counseling – Research Guide.
[Unit and Assignment Title]
[Learner Name]
[Professor Name]
Unit and Assignment Title
Review paper guidelines on page requirements and number of sources required.  Unless citing a classic work, aim to cite research articles and texts published within the past 5 years.  Optional articles in the course syllabus can be located by entering the title of the article in the search tool Summon found on the main page of the Capella Library. When you finish writing your paper, re-read it to check for errors and make sure your ideas flow well. A helpful tip is to read your paper aloud to yourself.  Please submit your papers to turnitin to avoid plagiarism and improve the originality in your writing. Also, remember as a Capella learner you have FREE access through iGuide to personal tutoring services with Smarthinking.com.
Presenting Concerns: Case of Kimi
Provide a description of the most relevant symptoms that seem to be causing Kimi the most distress or danger because they deviate from normal and represent dysfunction. Include how these symptoms fit within a systemic or mental health focused view of psychopathology. The Distinguished criterion is, “Evaluates presenting symptoms, issues, and relevant history, for three clients and supported by relevant sources.”.  This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph with citations to support your evaluation.
Differential Diagnosis: Case of Kimi
Explain how you moved through the process of selecting the diagnoses that are possibilities that need to be considered. This may include the decision trees, but may also include a wider review of DSM diagnoses.  The Distinguished criterion is, “Explains the methods used for differential diagnosis in three case studies supported by scholarly sources.”. This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph.
Evalaution of Assessment Results: Case of Kimi
You are encourage to consider the List of Assessment Tools at the end of this docment described in the optional articles listed. Review the assessments carefully noting the nature of the data being generated and how it will be interpreted for the client. You may also select assessment tools from Section III of the DSM.  The Distinguished criterion is “Evaluates the use of assessment results to diagnose developmental, behavioral, and mental disorders for three case studies supported by scholarly sources”.
DSM and ICD Diagnosis: Case of Kimi
Address the Distinguished criterion, “Applies the current DSM and ICD to the diagnosis of a focus client seen in family counseling and an additional family member, and providing support for diagnostic choices”.   Assume Kimi has presented for treatment with her parents. List the code for both the current DSM and ICD. A chart listing ICD codes that correspond to DSM can be found at the APA website. After you list the diagnosis and applicable V or Z codes that provide a context, explain how you came to decide the diagnosis is appropriate in a paragraph.
Medication Referral/Consultation: Case of Kimi
Address the Distinguished criterion, “Describes the indications and contraindictions of psychopharmacological medications for appropriate medical referral and consultation supported by scholarly literature”. Describe whether a referral for a medication consultation is appropriate for Kimi and include what would be the specific indications (potential benefits) amd contraindications (risks). This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph citing scholarly sources.
Presenting Concerns: Case of Julio
Provide a description of the most relevant symptoms that seem to be causing Julio the most distress or danger because they deviate from normal and represent dysfunction. Include how these symptoms fit within a systemic or mental health focused view of psychopathology. The Distinguished criterion is, “Evaluates presenting symptoms, issues, and relevant history, for three clients and supported by relevant sources.”.  This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph with citations to support your evaluation.
Differential Diagnosis: Case of Julio
Explain how you moved through the process of selecting the diagnoses that are possibilities that need to be considered. This may include the decision trees, but may also include a wider review of DSM diagnoses. The Distinguished criterion is, “Explains the methods used for differential diagnosis in three case studies supported by scholarly sources.”. This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph.
Evalaution of Assessment Results: Case of Julio
You are encourage to consider the List of Assessment Tools at the end of this docment described in the optional articles listed. Review the assessments carefully noting the nature of the data being generated and how it will be interpreted for the client. You may also select assessment tools from Section III of the DSM. The Distinguished criterion is “Evaluates the use of assessment results to diagnose developmental, behavioral, and mental disorders for three case studies supported by scholarly sources”.
DSM and ICD Diagnosis: Case of Julio
Address the Distinguished criterion, “Applies the current DSM and ICD to the diagnosis of a focus client seen in family counseling and an additional family member, and providing support for diagnostic choices”.   Assume Julio has presented for treatment with his partner, Justin. List the code for both the current DSM and ICD. A chart listing ICD codes that correspond to DSM can be found at the APA website. After you list the diagnosis and applicable V or Z codes that provide a context, explain how you came to decide the diagnosis is appropriate in a paragraph.
Medication Referral/Consultation: Case of Julio
Address the Distinguished criterion, “Describes the indications and contraindictions of psychopharmacological medications for appropriate medical referral and consultation supported by scholarly literature”. Describe whether a referral for a medication consultation is appropriate for Julio and include what would be the specific indications (potential benefits) amd contraindications (risks). This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph citing scholarly sources.
Presenting Concerns: Case of Reese or Daneer (Indicate selection in each heading)
Select either the case of Reese or Daneer for this section
Provide a description of the most relevant symptoms that seem to be causing the client the most distress or danger because they deviate from normal and represent dysfunction. Include how these symptoms fit within a systemic or mental health focused view of psychopathology. The Distinguished criterion is, “Evaluates presenting symptoms, issues, and relevant history, for three clients and supported by relevant sources.”.  This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph with citations to support your evaluation.
Differential Diagnosis: Case of 
Explain how you moved through the process of selecting the diagnoses that are possibilities that need to be considered. This may include the decision trees, but may also include a wider review of DSM diagnoses. The Distinguished criterion is, “Explains the methods used for differential diagnosis in three case studies supported by scholarly sources.”. This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph.
Evalaution of Assessment Results: Case of 
You are encourage to consider the List of Assessment Tools at the end of this docment described in the optional articles listed. Review the assessments carefully noting the nature of the data being generated and how it will be interpreted for the client. You may also select assessment tools from Section III of the DSM. The Distinguished criterion is “Evaluates the use of assessment results to diagnose developmental, behavioral, and mental disorders for three case studies supported by scholarly sources”.
DSM and ICD Diagnosis: Case of 
Address the Distinguished criterion, “Applies the current DSM and ICD to the diagnosis of a focus client seen in family counseling and an additional family member, and providing support for diagnostic choices”.   Assume the client has presented for treatment with their family. List the code for both the current DSM and ICD. A chart listing ICD codes that correspond to DSM can be found at the APA website. After you list the diagnosis and applicable V or Z codes that provide a context, explain how you came to decide the diagnosis is appropriate in a paragraph.
Medication Referral/Consultation: Case of 
Address the Distinguished criterion, “Describes the indications and contraindictions of psychopharmacological medications for appropriate medical referral and consultation supported by scholarly literature”. Describe whether a referral for a medication consultation is appropriate for the client and include what would be the specific indications (potential benefits) amd contraindications (risks). This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph citing scholarly sources.
Hamilton, E., & Carr, A. (2016). Systematic review of Self‐Report family assessment measures. Family Process, 55(1), 16-30. doi:16)10.1111/famp.12200
NOTE:  Consult your APA manual for proper examples on citing and referencing APA style. The Capella Writing Center also has helpful tutorials.


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