Analysis Assignment – Ancient/Modern Essay
Writing this paper will give you an opportunity to study artworks outside of the textbook and to apply analysis.
Step 1: Research works of art
- You are encouraged to visit a local exhibition to study artwork “in the flesh.”
- Choose an ancient work from before the Common Era and a contemporary work with the same subject matter made within the last 100 years.
- Subjects can include mythological figures, death, the body, religion, war, etc.
Step 2: Write the analysis
- Draft a formal analysis for each of these pieces
- It should include a minimum of 5 elements and 5 principles of art.
- Then compare and contrast the treatment of the same subject
- What is the context of each work?
- What were the influences of each?
Step 3: Before you submit… make sure that you have the following:
- The analysis length should be 3 – 5 pages
- Use MLA format (Times New Roman 12 point size font, double-spaced, appropriate in-text citations, Works Cited page, etc…)
- Cite external sources (no Wikipedia!)
- Comparison & contrast of artwork selected