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Study Guide

hapter 7 Outcomes and Study Guide1. Describe how the process of natural selection works, and how it results in adaptations (Darwin’s Observations and Conclusions)How does unequal reproductive success lead to natural selection? What are adaptations? Explain Darwin’s observations and conclusions.Describe evolution by natural selection? What are some important points about evolution?2. Describe examples of and evidence for evolution by natural selection that can be seen in your daily life.3. Discuss the different kinds of evidence that support the theory of evolution.What is artificial selection?  What are some natural selection in action? Explain how evolution explains the diversity and unity of life.4. Define evolution, and explain the different mechanisms that can result in evolution.How do fossil records provide evidence for evolution? What is biogeography and how does evolution account for the distribution of species? What is genetic variation and Darwinian fitness? What are some mechanisms of evolution including genetic drift, founders effect, bottleneck effect, gene flow and sexual selection.5. Differentiate between the processes and results of microevolution and macroevolution, and explain how these contribute to speciation.Explain why individuals do not evolve?  At what level does evolution occur?What are gene pools? Describe microevolution.What is macroevolution including speciation? What are novel features?6. Relate the geologic history of the planet to evolutionary history, including mass extinctions and subsequent diversification.What is the role of mass extinctions and diversification in macroevolution?How does the geologic record, plate tectonics, and Pangea support the evolution of life?7. Define a species and describe the barriers that help maintain species.What is a species? What are reproductive barriers? How do these barriers help maintain the various species?8. Describe how scientists classify organisms and construct phylogenies to represent how organisms are related.What is taxonomy and the three-domain system? How do phylogenic trees represent hypotheses about evolutionary history?


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