8 pages
Complete Draft of Your Research Prospectus
The version of your Research Prospectus that you submit for this assignment is your first, full draft of the document and will culminate in a final polished Research Prospectus submission for Unit 6. You will receive feedback on this draft from your instructor and incorporate that feedback in a second, final version of the Research Prospectus to be submitted for the Unit 6 Individual Project. Your Research Prospectus will be a narrative that details the major components of your proposed research, developed at a relatively early stage of your doctoral program. The Prospectus guides your preparation of the full-blown Research Proposal, and will serve as a roadmap for continued refinement of your thinking as you progress into your second year of the doctoral program. A quality Research Prospectus is a milestone deliverable for this course and your dissertation journey. See the research course milestones in the Doctoral Resource Center.
As you complete the full draft, be sure to revisit the Research Method Rationale and provide a full justification for your research method choice and research design/approach that is aligned with your study problem. Consider revisiting your qualitative and quantitative course work where you may have begun a draft of this section and finalize your decisions. Be sure to cite the relevant and specific scholarly research guides aligned with your method and design choices. Please avoid general research texts such as Creswell, and instead choose specific guides that are well-aligned with your research approach.
The Prospectus should be 8–10 pages, not including title and reference pages, and formatted in APA. The title page should include a working title of no more than 12 words for your dissertation.
In the body of the Prospectus, DO include headings for each section. You will use the Research Prospectus Template to complete the document.