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Burden of Disease

Burden of Disease.

Burden of Disease

Prevention strategies must account for the diversity of the population. Understanding how communities consume health information and access health services may greatly contribute to the prevention of disease within a community.

For this assignment, you will be required to consider how access to health information may contribute to the overall health of a community. You will be required to consider how to make prevention messages more effective and widespread.

Read the following case study from your textbook:

  • Case 10: The Strategies to Overcome and Prevent Obesity Alliance

Then, perform the following tasks to complete this assignment:

  1. Go to The Community Guide website at The Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide) and review the intervention strategies used to reduce the burden of disease in that community or population.
  2. Discuss these strategies in your paper and provide recommendations for improving upon those strategies.
  3. Review relevant policies that impact your chosen geographic location and the health of the residents in this area. You may search for philanthropic organizations in your area that focus on health as a part of their mission. Often times, these organizations review and analyze health policies for your area. Examples of such philanthropic organizations are United Way, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Public Health Institutes.
  4. Identify some of the local champions for health policy or health issues in your selected area. Discuss how these local champions have been effective in advocating for change in your selected area or location.

Submission Details:

  • Write a 3 to 5-page paper in Microsoft Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
  • Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_W4_A2.doc.
  • By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.

Burden of Disease


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