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Business & Finance homework help

Tools used to   collect data and/or conduct . A copy of all instruments listed here   must be attached at the end of the application, in the exact same format as   the documents the participants will be given. Any introductory statements,   instructions, or debriefing statements to be provided along with the   instrument must also be included in the application.
Reasonable   estimation of the time the participants will need to complete the data   collection procedures, such as filling out a questionnaire.
If an estimate   cannot be given, the PI should provide an explanation.
If using existing   data, state “Not applicable.”
Anticipated maximum   number of participants in the research. A range is not acceptable.
Targeted types of   participants. If recruiting among the general population, only check adults. Only   check one of the other categories if they are explicitly used to design the   recruitment and sampling strategy.
More specific   characteristics of the potential research participants that the PI may be   interested in, such as a specific age group, race, occupation, hobby, etc.
Any sensitive   category should be described more specifically here by specifying the type of   illness, mental disorder, etc. that the project focuses on.
Strategy(ies) the PI   will use to draw the final sample.


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