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Climate Change Assignment Instructions

Complete the following for your last assignment of the course/semester! (Note: if you are in my GEOG 2 online course, you may use the same response):
A. By now you’ve looked at a lot of climate information and examined the IPCC Fifth Assessment report (AR5). Remember this report is specifically for policy makers who will vote and created laws surrounding climate change. Imagine you are one of these policy makers. Was there anything in this report that you felt should be acted on immediately? If so, how would you go about changing current policies or adding policies (can be any scale – local, city, county, state, federal, etc.)? Do you agree with the proposed solutions mentioned in this report? Why or why not? Be specific so I know you read the report.
Extra Credit Opportunity (optional; worth 2 points; 100 word minimum) – Was this report fairly clear or is more research/information needed in order for you to make decision as a policy maker? If so, what further research/information would you recommend be included? Be specific.
Your response should be in complete sentences. Remember this is an academic assignment, not a tweet or text message – proper spelling and punctuation count! See the rubric below for specifics on grading criteria. Your written response should be at least 200 words. Also, be sure to cite any sources using MLA citation format.
To submit your assignment click on the “Submit Assignment” link at the top, left. You may copy and paste the text into the space provided, or attach your response in a separate file. The file(s) can be in any standard format (i.e. Word document, PDF, or Pages). Just be sure to upload all your files at once (i.e. do not try to submit one on Wednesday and another on Sunday).
Lastly, the assignment must be submitted via Canvas – do NOT email me your assignment. Assignments submitted via email will not receive any credit.


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