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Combat Leadership Vs Garrison Leadership Essay

Combat Leadership Vs Garrison Leadership Essay.

would like to request the following:


– Prepare a six-page essay

– Subject: Combat Leadership versus Garrison Leadership.

– Include thesis statement and at least three supporting topics.

Utilize the requirements below:

 Typed

 Double-spaced

 Standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″)

 1″ margins on all sides

 Size 12 pt. Times New Roman font

 Use flush-left alignment and ragged right; do not divide words at the end of the line.

 Indent paragraphs five spaces (Set the tab key)

 Use two spaces at the end of a sentence.

 Abbreviations: The first time you use a term, spell it out in full, followed by its

abbreviation in parentheses; thereafter, you may use the abbreviation only.

Combat Leadership Vs Garrison Leadership Essay


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