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Compare And Contrast Essay

Compare and contrast

Topic: Compare and contrast the below essays

Jensen, “Forget Shorter Showers,” p. 564 and McKibben, “Waste Not, Want Not,” p. 557
This essay is a comparison and contrast assignment that will compare two essays on a similar theme. Essays to analyze must be chosen from the list below. Your essay will let your reader (the class in this case) see the points that both essays are trying to make and your perspective on the topic.

Writing Tips

Look at how the authors present this topic. Does it add to your understanding or make you think of something related to the topic? Remember your essay must have a reader and a purpose in mind. In planning this essay, you must answer these questions:

  • Why is this matter of interest to the individual to whom you are writing?
  • What is your position on this topic?
  • What are the key points you will use in developing your topic?
  • What examples can you use from each text to develop your analysis? (Hint: you will have already done this in Discussion 9.)

Use these answers in writing your essay. Your essay will compare and contrast the two essays according to whatever criteria you set. Focus your essay on your purpose and provide examples and details from both essays in developing your points.
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The minimum length for this assignment is 750 words. This does not include the revision write-up.

Essay 3 Grading Criteria 
Criteria Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Introduction and Thesis (15 points) Introduction is creative and gets the reader’s attention.
The purpose is clearly stated.
The thesis declares the author’s stance on a debatable point.
The purpose is clear.
The thesis declares the author’s stance on a debatable point.
Thesis declares the author’s stance on a debatable point but the overall purpose of the essay is not clear The thesis is not clear or the author needs to take a stance. Does not meet the assignment requirements.
(15 points)
The criteria for comparison are clearly stated. The criteria for comparison are given. The criteria for comparison need to be more specific. The criteria for comparison are unclear. There are no apparent criteria for comparison.
Development (30 points) Argument is well-developed, using specific examples from the essays to illustrate key points. Argument is well-developed, but does not provide detailed examples from the essays to support. The comparison is not clearly developed. Development is uneven; does not follow the pattern established in the introduction. Assertions are made without adequate development or support.
Textual Analysis
(20 points)
Usage of material from essays is clear and well developed.
Presented and developed in essay.
Quotations and paraphrases of the text are cited.
Clear reference to the text.
Quotations and paraphrasing are cited.
Usage of material from essays is not always clear or given correctly. Needs more specific textual analysis, using material from essays. Makes assertions without examples. Analysis of essays, using examples is missing.
Conclusion (15 points) Summarizes the points made, restates ideas in the thesis, and mirrors the introduction. Provides a sense of closure.; Restates main idea in the thesis and provides a sense of closure. Provides a sense of closure, but makes no reference to the thesis. Not well developed. Thesis concept and stance not apparent. Conclusion is not apparent. Ends abruptly or Introduces a new topic.
Mechanics (15 points) Essay is almost error free of problems with word choice, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure. Relatively free of errors. Minor problems with one or two elements of grammar. Two or more major errors such as sentence fragments, comma splices, or run-on sentences Too many errors interfere with the reader’s ability to understand the writer. Error rate will keep the reader from respecting the writer and his/her meaning.
(15 points)
Provides a detailed description of the process used for revision, including the areas of the essay worked on and sources of feedback used. Revision process reflects substantive changes to the content or focus of the essay. Provides a good description of the revision process, but does not provide much detail about the areas worked on or the sources of feedback used. Provides limited comments on the revision process. Does not reflect thoughtful analysis or response to feedback. Essay does not reflect substantive revisions or response to feedback. No revision statement included.


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