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Computer Science homework help

You are starting an analytics consultancy and need to establish a consistent set of tools and processes to support your work. With Python and R programming languages picked as your primary programming languages, you are interested in setting up the appropriate development environments for both languages and document them as such in order to support a set process by which any additional employees could set up a similar environment. Additionally, you are interested in installing some of the most popular libraries in both Python and R along with augmenting your documentation to show its application to establish a process for their installation moving forward in order to support an efficient organization.

  1. Install and demonstrate the application of the Jupyter notebook (for Python programming). You must include the execution of a nominal program (hello, world) in each language in order to demonstrate their successful installation.
    • The specific deliverable in this case is a screenshot of the program executing successfully in the Juypter notebook.
  2. Install and demonstrate the application of R-Studio (for R programming). You must include the execution of a nominal program (hello, world) in each language in order to demonstrate their successful installation.
    • The specific deliverable in this case is a screenshot of the program executing successfully in R studio.
  3. Next, leveraging the resources provided, you are to install two plotting packages in your R environment: lattice and ggplot2.
    • You should document their usage with screen dumps using the installed packages in order to generate plots. Submit your screenshots in a Word document.
  4. In the Python environment, you are to install Numpy, Panda and Matplotlib packages and document their application by executing some basic examples of each of these programs respectively.
  • You must include at least one program to demonstrate invoking an API from Numpy, Panda, Matplotlib, and include screenshots of each. Submit your screenshots in a Word document.



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