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DIscussion 2 Week 1 Lin

Inventions, Innovations, and ImportsResourcesMicrosoft Word icon Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions. PDF icon Professional Communications and Writing Guide.Website icon PSY7610 Library Research Guide.Website icon The Second Century of Ability Testing.
Use the readings from your Psychological Testing and Assessment text, Embretson’s 2004 article, “The Second Century of Ability Testing: Some Predictions and Speculations,” and additional research to complete this discussion.Research the historical connections and trends in the field of psychology of the following dyads: (1) Sir Francis Galton to James McKeen Cattell, and (2) Alfred Binet to Lewis Terman. Compare and contrast the relationship between both sets of key figures and the milestones they facilitated in the history of tests and measurements. What were the similarities and differences within each dyad? What were the similarities and differences across the two sets of dyads?Choose one of these four individuals based on the criteria below and do additional research on that person using the Capella library. Share your findings about key contributions of that selected individual in your discussion post, citing at least two published articles, not including the Psychological Testing and Assessment text or the Embretson article (include these as references). Identify your choice of the key historical figure in your subject line of the post you submit.In your post:Identify a couple of important similarities and differences within each dyad.Identify a couple of important similarities and differences across both sets of dyads.Identify the individual who, in your opinion, had the greatest impact on your particular interest or specialty within the field of psychology. (Include the name of the individual in your subject line of the discussion thread when you submit your initial post.)Describe how the one historical figure you selected expanded the base of knowledge in the field, including information from the journal articles.Explain how that individual provided a foundation to a trend that continues in psychology today.
ReadingsComplete the following:Read the Learner Expectations for important information about your success in this course.Read the Professional Communications and Writing Guide. You are expected to adhere to these guidelines when writing a discussion post, peer response, or paper, as well as when using citations and references.Use your Psychological Testing and Assessment: An Introduction to Tests and Measurement text to complete the following:Read Chapter 1, “Psychological Testing and Assessment,” pages 1–37.Read Chapter 2, “Historical, Cultural, and Legal/Ethical Considerations,” pages 38–76.Read pages 118–124 of Chapter 4, “Of Tests and Testing.”Use your Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing text to read Chapter 10, “Psychological Testing and Assessment,” pages 151–168.Use the Capella University Library to read pages 6–14 of Embretson’s 2004 article, “The Second Century of Ability Testing: Some Predictions and Speculations,” from  Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives, volume 2, issue 1. (See “The First Century of Ability Testing: A Brief Review.”)Use the Internet to read “Joint Committee on Testing Practices. (2004). Code of fair testing practices in education.” from Joint Committee on Testing Practices.Article SearchIn preparation for the second discussion in this unit, locate and review two journal articles on one of the following four historic figures in tests and measurements:Sir Francis Galton.James McKeen Cattell.Alfred Binet.Lewis Terman.See instructions for the second discussion.MediaClick Interview With a Psychometrist to listen to the presentation.Image of Capella University logoInterview With a PsychometristBegin Activity icon


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