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do we inherit our personality traits from our parents?

TEXTBOOK  PSY-108-T1112 Introduction to Psychology

Many people think of mental health when they think about psychology, but it goes far beyond that. Before composing your initial discussion post, read Chapter 1 and think of how it relates to something in everyday life. Choose something in the chapter that relates to your own life, something you have observed, or even a newsworthy topic, and explain how the chapter material applies.


Respond to two of your peers, sharing your own thoughts or examples of the real-life example they identified.

Jennifer post


A few years ago, my husband went to prison and i was left alone to raise our kids. I could no longer pay the rent on the apartment so i was evicted. My kids and i were homeless, my sister took us in for awhile but she soon asked us to leave and we were homeless again. I found a shelter and they helped me to get a place of my own. Through all of this, i didn’t notice my son doing things like acting up in school by making the teachers cry, stealing cars, and breaking into peoples homes. The school counselor recommended that i take him to see a doctor. The doctor diagnosed him with depression and schizophrenia. I believe that all the things i was going through with his dad going to prison and us being homeless, had a very negative affect on him

Erika post


While reading this chapter, I couldn’t help but keep thinking to myself, “wow, I didn’t know psychology consists of so much”.  From behavioral study to personality study and why we do the things we do.  One thing that stuck out to me particularly is when it mentioned that we do things our parents did that we vowed not to do ourselves or that we wouldn’t think we would be like our parents. There have been many times that I have had a “oh my goodness, I sound like my mom” moment.  It does pose the question, do we inherit our personality traits from our parents? Or is it something we are both with in our own ways, and if so how much of it is it really ours and how much of it is our parents.


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