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Electrical Engineering homework help

Electrical Engineering homework help. **Please include MutiSIM file**
Write one to two paragraphs about the Lab. Explain the following information for this lab:
§ What are the goals to achieve in the lab?
§ What are the expectations of the lab?
§ How will you be implementing this lab?
§ What will you try to measure?
List the type of equipment or components that you will be using? Where will you find these components? How will you use these components in Multisim/VHDL? Explain any adjustments required such as tolerances.
Briefly describe how you will approach the problem and try to solve the lab, describe and explain any techniques/rules/laws/principles you would use. Outline each step of the process.
Circuit design:
Take a screenshot of the circuit/logic from Multisim/VHDL as asked in the lab assignment before you run the circuit and paste it here in your report.
Run the circuit in Multisim/VHDL and copy/paste the results from the simulation including any readings, plots or graphs.
Copy/Paste the screenshots for all the measurements required in the lab here. Be sure to add a title and explain what each of the screenshots represent.
Analyze the results obtained from Multisim/VHDL and compare those to your calculated results (if required).
Answer the following questions:
§ What did you discover/confirm?
§ Use tables and diagrams to record results.
§ Compare calculations with the measured values.
§ Analyze your results.
Explain if your simulation is correct or incorrect and why. If the results are confirmed, then your measurements are correct. If they are not confirmed, explain what the problem is. You will need to discuss how to troubleshoot the circuit to achieve the correct results.
Summarize the entire lab in 1 to 2 paragraphs with the results and analysis in mind.
Answer any questions asked in the lab assignment here.
Cite any sources that you may use in your report.
Lab Assignment: Lab 1 – Amplitude Modulation Fundamentals
Elec Com Principles & Sys Lab
Lab Assignment: Lab 1 – Amplitude Modulation Fundamentals
1. Watch video entitled “Module 1 – AM Signals in MultiSIM
2. Construct the AM circuit presented in the video with MultiSIM. Capture a screenshot of the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer waveforms.
3. For this circuit determine the following:
a. Modulation index
b. Vc
c. Vm
d. fc (frequency of carrier)
e. fLSB (frequency of lower sideband)
f. fUSB (frequency of upper sideband)
4. Include answers for part 3 and paste the screenshots of the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer waveforms into a Word document entitled “Lab1_StudentID”. Where your student id is substituted in the file name.
5. Upload file “Lab1_StudentID”
Lab Assignment: Lab 2 – Amplitude Modulator and Demodulator Circuits
Elec Com Principles & Sys Lab
Lab Assignment: Lab 2 – Amplitude Modulator and Demodulator Circuits
1. Watch video entitled “Module 2 – Diode Detector Circuits in MultiSIM
2. Construct the diode detector circuit presented in the video with MultiSIM.
3. Capture a screenshot of the following:
a. AM Signal
b. Detector Output
c. Output Spectrum of the diode detector
4. Answer the following questions:
a. What is the carrier frequency?
b. What is the peak-to-peak value of the detector output?
c. What purpose does the RL and C2 combination serve?
5. Include answers for part 4 and paste the screenshots of part 3 into a Word document entitled “Lab2_StudentID”. Where your student id is substituted in the file name.
6. Upload file “Lab2_StudentID”.
Lab Assignment: Lab3 – Fundamentals of Frequency Modulation and FM Circuits
Elec Com Principles & Sys Lab
Lab3 – Fundamentals of Frequency Modulation and FM Circuits
1. Watch video entitled “Module 3 – FM Demodulator Circuits in MultiSIM
2. Construct the FM demodulator circuit presented in the video with MultiSIM.
3. Capture a screenshot of the stable output waveform.
4. Answer the following questions:
a. What is the purpose of the comparator and flip-flop in the circuit?
b. Why is there a time delay for the output waveform to stabilize?
c. What is the final frequency of the output waveform?
5. Include answers for part 4 and paste the screenshots of part 3 into a Word document entitled “Lab3_StudentID”. Where your student id is substituted in the file name.
6. Upload file “Lab3_StudentID”.
Lab Assignment: Lab4 – Digital Communication Techniques
Elec Com Principles & Sys Lab
Lab4 – Digital Communication Techniques
1. Watch video entitled “Module 4 – D/A Converter Circuits in MultiSIM
2. Construct the D/A Converter Circuit in p. 208, figure 7-15 with MultiSIM.
3. Capture a screenshot of the analog output for the following digital inputs:
a. 0000
b. 0001
c. 0010
d. 0011
e. 0100
f. 0101
g. 0110
h. 0111
i. 1000
j. 1111
4. Paste the screenshots of part 3 into a Word document entitled “Lab4_StudentID”. Where your student id is substituted in the file name.
5. Upload file “Lab4_StudentID”.
Lab Assignment: Lab5 – Radio Transmitters and Receivers
Elec Com Principles & Sys Lab
Lab5 – Radio Transmitters and Receivers
1. Watch video entitled “Module 5 – Colpitts Oscillator Circuits in MultiSIM
2. Construct the Colpitts Oscillator Circuit presented in the video with MultiSIM.
3. Discuss and calculate the following:
a. Perform research on the basic operation of the Colpitts Oscillator. Provide a brief summary.
b. Equivalent Capacitance: C
c. Resonant Frequency: fr
d. Feedback Fraction: B
e. Minimum Voltage gain for oscillation: Av(min)
4. Capture a screenshot to confirm fr and Av(min).
5. Include discussion and calculations of part 3 and paste the screenshots of part 4 into a Word document entitled “Lab5_StudentID”. Where your student id is substituted in the file name.
6. Upload file “Lab5_StudentID”.
Lab Assignment: Lab6 – The Transmission of Binary Data in Communication Systems
Elec Com Principles & Sys Lab
Lab Assignment: Lab6 – The Transmission of Binary Data in Communication Systems
1. Watch video entitled “Module 6 – Noise in MultiSIM
2. Construct the circuit presented in the video with MultiSIM.
3. Discuss and specify the following:
a. At what frequency do the frequency components reside?
b. What is the relative magnitude of the frequency components?
4. Capture a screenshot of vout(t) and the spectrum plot
5. Insert white noise in series with the resistor.
6. Discuss and specify the following:
a. What is the effect of the noise on the major frequency components?
b. What is the effect of the noise on the other frequencies?
7. Capture a screenshot of vout(t) and the spectrum plot.
8. Include the discussion and screenshots of parts 3 through 7 into a Word document entitled “Lab6_StudentID”. Where your student id is substituted in the file name.
9. Upload file “Lab6_StudentI

Lab Assignment: Lab7 – Antennas and Wave Propagation

Elec Com Principles & Sys Lab

Lab Assignment: Lab7 – Antennas and Wave Propagation

1. Perform experiment presented in “Lab7 – Spectrum Analyzer and Signal Power.pdf”.  “Additional Challenge” section is not required.
2. Construct the circuit presented in the experiment with MultiSIM.
3. Complete and include the data in Tables 1-1 and 1-2 and a screenshot of the Frequency Spectrum plot into a Word document entitled “Lab7_StudentID”.  Where your student id is substituted in the file name.
4. Upload file “Lab7_StudentID”.

Lab Assignment: Lab8 – Microwave Communication

Elec Com Principles & Sys Lab

Lab Assignment: Lab8 – Microwave Communication

1. Watch video entitled “Module 8 – Waveguides in MultiSIM”. “Additional Challenge” section is not required.
2. Perform experiment in “Lab 8 – Waveguides.pdf”.
3. Construct the circuit presented in the experiment with MultiSIM.
4. Complete Table 21-1 and include it along with a screenshot of the Time versus Amplitude of Waveguide Output plot into a Word document entitled “Lab8_StudentID”. Where your student id is substituted in the file name.
5. Upload file “Lab8_StudentID”.

Electrical Engineering homework help


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