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Select one of the following prompts to serve as the basis for a persuasive essay. Take a firm stance on the prompt and write a 5-paragraph, double-spaced essay supporting your position. Make sure that you have a strong thesis statement at the end of your introduction and clear topic sentences in each body paragraph that provide arguments in support of your thesis.   A thesis statement is the single, specific claim that your essay supports. A strong thesis answers the question you want to raise; it does so by presenting a topic, your precise opinion on the topic, and a reasoning blueprint that sketches out the organization for the rest of the paper. A good thesis is not merely a factual statement, an observation, a personal opinion or preference, or the question you plan to answer.
See the attached documents for graphic organizers to help you organize the portfolio.   Review the rubric as noted in the lesson.
Be sure to provide textual support to your details and claims.  Use MLA documentation to cite your quotes, summaries, or any source you use to support your thesis. Include a Sources Cited page and a CheckMyWork link.
1. Select a “secondary” character (Banquo, Macduff, Malcolm) and analyze the way in which he or she serves as a foil to a central character and thus help to expand your understanding by contrast. (A foil is a character who enhances another through contrast). You could also theoretically use Lady Macbeth as a secondary character to Macbeth.
2. Does power corrupt automatically? Apply this famous expression to the events and characters in Macbeth. You can focus on a single character or several. You may take the position that it always corrupts, never corrupts, or sometimes corrupts, but be sure to provide textual support.
3. Is Macbeth a tragedy of fate or of character? In determining your position on this, consider whether the witches play a central or collateral role in shifting the ambitions and actions of the play’s characters.


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