English homework help. WHAT: A full essay of 1500-2000 words in response to one of the
two topics provided on the Assignment #2 instructions.
PREREQUISITE: You MUST submit Assignment #2, your essay
proposal, in order to proceed with this assignment. Students
who do not fulfill this prerequisite will receive 0 on this
1. Carefully read your instructor’s feedback on Assignment
#2, your essay proposal, available on Canvas. You may
want to revise your thesis statement and Works Cited
page, depending on the feedback received.
2. Return to your sources to collect further evidence you
can integrate into your essay as support for your thesis
(cite as you write!).
3. Watch the films again (and again and again!) to collect
further evidence and examples to support your thesis
(cite as you write!).
4. Type up a copy for submission (two ways). Remember,
“quotations marks” MUST be put around the exact words of
others. You also MUST provide in-text citations for any
words/ideas taken from sources. Time ranges for specific
scenes/shots from the films MUST also be included.
5. Don’t forget to include your (revised) Works Cited page.
6. Visit the WLC! Although not required, all students are
STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to consult with a WLC Writing &
Humanities Specialist several times prior to submission.
If you visit the WLC, please staple your consultation report(s) to the hard-copy submission of your assignment.
WHEN: Thursday, March 26th @ 12:00 PM (hard-copy) &
Thursday, March 26th @ 11:59 PM (e-copy)
FILM 102A – WINTER 2020 2 of 2
WHERE: This assignment must be submitted TWO WAYS in order to
be evaluated:
1. hard copy (printed off a computer) submitted in person
at the beginning of class
2. identical electronic copy (.doc or .docx file) uploaded
onto Canvas by midnight
Students who fail to submit both of these two ways will receive
an automatic 0 for not following the submission policy.
LATE POLICY: Students who are late in submitting will receive a
10% deduction in their grade as a penalty. After 12 PM the following day, the online Canvas submissions will be closed and no
further assignments will be accepted (no late submissions!).
Exceptions to this policy will only be made in the event of a
documented medical illness or injury, in which case the student
MUST contact the instructor prior to the above deadlines.
FORMAT: Your assignment MUST follow MLA 8 formatting rules.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: At Alexander College, we expect that
students hold themselves to the standard of Academic Integrity
and refuse to knowingly participate in any incident of plagiarism or cheating (academic misconduct). Please be aware that
your assignment will be run through a sophisticated plagiarism
checker; if you plagiarize, you will be caught—so don’t do it!
Any suspected academic misconduct will result in the filing of
an Academic Alert and you receiving 0 on the assignment.