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Explain how different kinds of questions are used for different purposes in interviews

I need someone to conduct onduct two separate role-played interviews. Have your volunteer think of any two problems they might be facing in their life (preferably not real but imagined). They can be as wild and crazy as they would like, such as, “My llama ate my dining room table, so now I won’t get my deposit back on the apartment” and, “My roommate is a werewolf.”

For Scenario 1, you must play “20 Questions” to determine what your interviewee’s imaginary Problem #1 is. You only get 20 questions, and only “Yes-No” answers are allowed.

For Scenario 2, you must determine what your interviewee’s Problem #2 is, but you are allowed to ask open-ended questions.

Based on your two mock interviews, imagine you have been asked to speak to an undergraduate Counseling Skills course. Create a PowerPoint presentation to compare the results of the two mock interviews. Include the following in your presentation:

Explain how different kinds of questions are used for different purposes in interviews.Compare your experiences with both types of questions in this exercise. Which method of questioning felt more natural to you, and which felt like more work? Explain how your interviewee’s responses differed across the two sessions.Recommend questioning strategies to obtain needed information from clients, and then relate them to your future work as a helper.

Support your presentation with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: 1 slides (with a separate reference slide)
Notes Length: 200-350 words for each slide


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