What emphasizes motivating the worker through the characteristics of the job itself? – › chapter-1046
What is a characteristic of Type A management? – Type A is the term William Ouchi used to describe the management approach that is common among American firms. One characteristic of this approach is individual decision-making.
Which of the following statements is the best description of how scientific management viewed workers? – Which of the following statements is the best description of how the scientific management approach viewed workers? Workers were like machines that must be programmed to perform in a certain way.
What was the dominant strategy for improving worker productivity during the early 1900s? – Scientific management became the dominant strategy for improving productivity during the early 1900’s. True or False? The results of the Hawthorne studies encouraged researchers to begin studying human motivation and managerial styles that lead to higher productivity.
What motivates employees to perform on the job? – Motivation: job satisfaction The way your employees feel about their job and their workplace determines how motivated they are. There is a clear link between job satisfaction and productivity. Job satisfaction depends partly on tangible rewards – for example, how much a person is paid and what benefits they receive.
How the design of a job can affect the motivation and performance of an employee? – Job designing is the process of assigning tasks to a particular job by equally considering the interdependency of those tasks with the other jobs. Job design practices can influence the work motivation and the performance of the employees by increasing the work efficiency through job specialization.
What are qualities required for a good manager? – › qualities-of-a-good-manager
What makes a good manager and leader? – Good managers support their staff and trust in their abilities. They stand up for their team and defend them to senior leadership. They delegate tasks with confidence and never micromanage. They know putting faith in capable employees empowers them to further their ability and professional development.
What makes a good manager? – Great managers are able to lead teams, help them grow, and maintain full control over their business and its performance at the same time. These are the people who manage to constantly adapt to new situations, encourage others to reach their full potential, and deliver their best work, too.
Which of the following statements about worker motivation is most consistent with the findings of the Hawthorne studies? – Which of the following statements about worker motivation is most consistent with the findings of the Hawthorne studies? Workers are more motivated if they feel they are part of a special group or project. Maslow was mainly concerned with explaining how: human motivation was related to a hierarchy of needs.
What are the 4 Principles of Scientific Management? – › career-development › frederick…
Which statement is the best description of how scientific management? – Which of the following statements best describes scientific management? It focuses on how jobs, work, and incentive schemes could be designed to improve productivity using industrial engineering methods.
Which theory would be most closely tied to the idea that employee motivation requires that the rewards for completing a task are sufficient to justify the effort? – Which of the following would be most closely tied to the idea that employee motivation requires that the rewards for completing a task are sufficient to justify the effort? According to Herzberg, a sense of achievement, earned recognition, and interest in the work itself were all: important motivators.
Which of the following are examples of factors that contributed to increased worker productivity? – Which of the following examples of factors that contributed to increased worker productivity during Hawthorne studies? Worker involvement in managerial decisions, social group membership and informality, management respect and interaction.
What is the personal satisfaction people feel when they have done a job well? – An intrinsic reward is the personal satisfaction someone feels from doing a job well and completing goals. extrinsic rewards are: An extrinsic reward is given to a recipient in recognition of good work or superior performance.