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HU2000: Week 3 Assignment

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Part 1: Constructing an Argument – Your Position 35 points
Directions to complete part 1:

  1. Read the assigned pages in the textbook.
  2. Select one of the following topics:
    1. Abortion
    2. Affordable Health Care Act (“Obamacare”)
    3. Euthanasia
  3. Research the internet to learn more about your chosen topic. Identify at least one (1) credible website/resource that you can use as a reference to support your position.
  4. Complete the following:
    1. Identify your chosen topic.
    2. In your own words, state your position.
    3. Copy and paste the URL (web address) from the selected website.
    4. Select a quote from the website to support your position.
    5. Create an In-Text Citation by visiting the Purdue Owl website at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ . To visit the website, hold down the Ctrl key and click the link.
    6. State your official position on your chosen topic and support your position including your paraphrased quote and in-text citation as evidence. Your answer must in paragraph format.


What is your topic?
Type your opinion here
In your own words, what is your position on your chosen topic?  5 points
Type your opinion here
Copy and paste the URL (web address) from one (1) credible website/resources that supports your position.
Example:  https://www.healthcare.gov/
5 points
Copy and paste the web URL or title of the first resource here


Select a quote from the website/resource that supports your position.                                                                                   Example: “The surge of people who signed up in the new health insurance exchanges surpassed both White House targets and expectations. It seemed unimaginable six months ago.” 5 points
Type or copy/paste the quote here
Paraphrase (in your own words) the quotation.                                                                                                                   Example: Six months ago the White House never expected so many people to sign up for the new health insurance exchanges. 5 points
Type paraphared quote here
Create an In-Text Citation for the quoted website/resource.                                                         Example: (American College of Healthcare Executives, 2005-2007). 5 points
Type In-Text citation here
State your official position on your chosen topic including your paraphrased quote and in-text citation as evidence to support your position. Your answer must be in paragraph format. 10 points
Type your official position here


Type your name here
Type your name here

(Continued on next page)

Part 2: Constructing an Argument – The Counterposition 35 points
Directions to complete part 2:

  1. Research the internet to learn more about the counterposition to your chosen topic.  Identify at least one (1) credible website/resource that you can use as a reference to support the counterposition.
  2. Complete the following:
    1. In your own words, identify the counterposition (the opposing side) for your chosen topic.
    2. Copy and paste the URL (web address) from the selected website.
    3. Select a quote from the website to support the counterposition.
    4. Create an In-Text Citation by visiting the Purdue Owl website at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ . (To visit the website, hold down the Ctrl key and click the link.)
    5. State an official counterposition for your chosen topic position and disprove the opposing side including your paraphrased quote and in-text citation as evidence. Your answer must in paragraph format.
In your own words, identify the counterposition (opposing side) for your chosen topic. 5 points
Type counterposition here
Copy and paste the URL (web address) from one (1) credible website/resource that supports the counterposition.                                          5 points
Copy and paste the web URL or title of the first resource here
Select a quote from the website/resource that supports the counterposition.                                                                                        5 points
Type or copy/past quote here
Paraphrase(in your own words) the quotation.                                                                                                                   5 points
Type paraphared quote here

(Continued on next page)

Create an In-Text Citation for the quoted website/resource.                                                         5 points
Type In-Text citation here
State an official counterposition for your chosen topic position and disprove the opposing side including your paraphrased quote and in-text citation as evidence. Your answer must in paragraph format. 10 points
Type an official counterposition here


You will earn additional points if you correctly submit the worksheet to the assignment dropbox. 5 points


Type your name here
You will earn additional points if you use proper sentence structure, grammar and spelling. 5 points


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