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ISOL 633 Residency Project – PCI DSS

The Project

This Residency Project, which accounts for 50% of the overall course grade, is comprised of two components: a research paper, and a presentation. The challenge of this Project includes demonstrating that the student acquired a sophisticated level of knowledge about one component of the system of the PCI DSS. Each student’s efforts should be able to be successfully applied to the knowledge gained by its fellow student toward an overall, comprehensive understanding of these crucial governing principles collectively known as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.
Unless logically inapplicable, such as when writing about historical facts, use the current version of the guidelines: PCI DSS 3.2.1. Start at https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org.
Each student is charged with researching, discussing, and presenting results about one of the components of the PCI DSS system:

Aravala Surya Vamsi Historical background of PCI DSS, such as the history of payments in the U.S., the introduction of the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, and other general points of knowledge that help to set the tone for the Project.
Gorripati Leela Mukesh Gowtham Describe some of the challenges that the three main stakeholders of payment card systems—i.e., payment card companies (Visa, MasterCard, et al), merchants and vendors (small, large, online, brick-and-mortar), and consumers—face vis-à-vis technologies, business challenges, and legal challenges within the PCI domain.
Ralla Sairam Research and discuss the first of six “control objectives,” each of which includes numerous requirements:
·        Build and Maintain a Secure Network and Systems
a.      Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data
b.      Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters
Ali Ahmed Research and discuss the second of six “control objectives,” each of which includes numerous requirements:
·        Protect Cardholder Data
a.      Protect stored cardholder data
b.      Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks
Bokka Sai Venkata Rama Krishna Reddy Research and discuss the third of six “control objectives,” each of which includes numerous requirements:
·        Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program
a.      Protect all systems against malware and regularly update anti-virus software or programs
b.      Develop and maintain secure systems and applications
Nalluri Bharadwaj Research and discuss the fourth of six “control objectives,” each of which includes numerous requirements:
·        Implement Strong Access Control Measures
a.      Restrict access to cardholder data by business need-to-know
b.      Identify and authenticate access to system components
c.      Restrict physical access to cardholder data
Yarram Siva Reddy Research and discuss the fifth of six “control objectives,” each of which includes numerous requirements:
·        Regularly Monitor and Test Networks
a.      Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data
b.      Regularly test security systems and processes
Khan Salman Ali Research and discuss the sixth of six “control objectives,” each of which includes numerous requirements:
·        Maintain an Information Security Policy
a.      Maintain a policy that addresses information security for all personnel
Syed Taqi Abedi There are fewer better ways to help understand these complex guidelines, from a practical perspective, than to learn about how “real world” stakeholders have dealt with them. Research and discuss an actual scenario in which a PCI stakeholder has dealt with, or failed to comply with, PCI DSS. Tell us some stories. Your subjects is: (1) an online retailer.
Uppuluri Lakshmi Sruthy There are fewer better ways to help understand these complex guidelines, from a practical perspective, than to learn about how “real world” stakeholders have dealt with them. Research and discuss an actual scenario in which a PCI stakeholder has dealt with, or failed to comply with, PCI DSS. Tell us some stories. Your subjects is: (2) a small, local business (such as a barber shop, bookstore, or restaurant).
Jini Joy There are fewer better ways to help understand these complex guidelines, from a practical perspective, than to learn about how “real world” stakeholders have dealt with them. Research and discuss an actual scenario in which a PCI stakeholder has dealt with, or failed to comply with, PCI DSS. Tell us some stories. Your subjects is: (3) a law firm, large or small.
Nomula Vishal Reddy Next comes some analysis. Examine and discuss PCI DSS in a limited, albeit complementary, way. Look specifically at Kentucky’s laws, regulations, and business practices in order to examine PCI DSS from a state-level perspective. Are there other Kentucky laws that govern payment cards? What Kentucky laws implicate PCI DSS? What are some things that Kentucky business leaders need to be aware of when they accept payment cards at their establishments?
Seelam Sachin Goud In further analyzing PCI DSS, and without necessarily homing in on Kentucky stakeholders, what other American laws or regulations might relate to, implicate, or otherwise find a nexus with PCI DSS? Here, the audience needs to understand, as you will, that PCI DSS does not operate in a vacuum. Rather, like most of what we’ll learn in ISOL 633, there are numerous laws, regulations, and other governing principles that interact with PCI DSS to form an overall governance model.
Vadlamudi Pavan Mahesh Kumar Examine and explain what’s wrong with PCI DSS. Has it become outdated or irrelevant in some way, or is it lagging behind modern technologies? Also, examine and explain what is on the horizon for PCI DSS stakeholders, especially for the merchants and vendors?


The Research

Please utilize the University’s wealth of library resources, as well as alternative scholarly or legal resources as appropriate.
While it is not prohibited to use other, non-scholarly resources, the key to compiling a cogent, informed Residency Project in our course is to focus on peer-reviewed, scholarly articles and the laws, regulations, and legal cases that surround PCI DSS. The balance should weigh heavily
toward those resources, although some other magazine, newspaper, or website sources may help you.

Peer-reviewed sources Acceptable Sources Unacceptable Sources
·        Law Review
·        Scientific journals
·        Scholarly Journals
·        EBSCO
·        ProQuest
·        UC Library IS Guide
·        Court cases
·        Legal Restatements
·        News articles
·        News magazines
·        Professional magazines
·        Articles from experts in the field of study
·        Wikipedia
·        Open Source
·        General blogs
·        Vendor White papers
·        Social Media Posts


The Writing

The research paper that you produce must be in APA style, as discussed. Style affects all components of the paper from margins and font choice to overall structure to references citations, including proper citation of laws and court cases.
In addition to using the APA style to guide your work, your team should also keep in mind the scoring rubric that is provided at iLearn. The more that your work answers the call of that rubric, the higher your score will be.
It is important to write well both in academia and in your professional lives. This is not only because communicating well is part of being a professional, but also because poorly written work detracts from the value of the work. Readers, intentionally or not, equate badly grammar, poor spelling, and other English writing mistakes with incomplete research or unpersuasive arguments. Perhaps that is in error—i.e., it is not actually the case that all poorly written work is dispensable—though that effect cannot be ignored.
The paper should be written according to APA rules, and is to be between five and 10 pages of text. Plus, a title page, an abstract page and a references page. So the paper should be eight to 13 pages. Fewer than eight pages will result in proportionate deductions, and pages beyond 13 will not be considered. You must submit both the paper and the PPT in iLearn no later than Sunday, March 22st at 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

The Presentation

On Sunday, March 22nd by 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. You will upload a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation on your assigned PCI DSS component.


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