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Management homework help

Management homework help. Research post topic and submit 220 word post on the given topic, indicate at least three academically reviewed journal articles in reference in the original post. This assignment is to be scholarly; it is not enough for you to post your article and add cursory reviews. CITED REFERENCES ARE REQUIRED. Structure your post as an essay with Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
All references must be recent within the past 5 years.
Also post a reply to given 2 posts, include at least 150 words in each post and provide at least one reference separately. In reply posts, do not say, good job, way to go, etc. Reply post can either answer another student’s question, or comment on their post based on your research. Your reply should reflect an understanding of the post to be replied and should be relevant with the post.
Post Topic:
What labor markets should be considered when recruiting to fill an opening for a housekeeping staff at a local hospital? What labor markets should be considered for staffing the chief surgeon for the local hospital?
Reply to following post with at least 160 words and at least 1 cited reference, do not say, good job, way to go, etc. Reply post can either answer another student’s question, or comment on their post based on your research. Your reply should reflect an understanding of the post to be replied and should be relevant with the post.
Post 1:
Every organization is divided into parts based on hierarchy into three parts top level, middle level and low level management. The people who comprise top level are expected to be highly skilled and hence the demand for these people is always high in the labor market. The next level is middle level and they are expected to be semi-skilled and hence their demand in labor market is neutral. The last is low level management and people of this group are expected to be unskilled or semi-skilled and usually demand for these people is very less (corporatefinanceinstitute.com, 2020).
From the above discussion it becomes very important to know what labor market exactly means. Labor market is also called as job market which usually refers to supply and demand of labor in the market where employees provide supply and employers provide demand. While recruiting people HR managers should be able to target right labor market for right person in order to attain organizational objectives and reduce the cost of repeated recruitment.
Labor market to be considered while recruiting housekeeping staff and chief surgeon in hospital:
Before considering any labor market it is very important know the job role and skills required to perform the job. In the case of housekeeping staff the main objective is to maintain cleanliness and hygiene so that the risk of infection gets reduced and hence operative employees with more physical power are preferred. In contrary, In case of recruiting chief surgeon, the strategic labor market is to be prefer as the role of surgeon is to protect life of people and usually these are regarded as face of hospitals, the demand is usually very high when compared to supply (homeworkaider.com, 2020).

Management homework help


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