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Natural Science Guru

Discussion 1

How does institutional discrimination operate? What are examples of institutional discrimination from your workplace or other institutions with which you are involved?

Include specific examples, from our text or life experience.

Discussion 2

Pay equity is an issue with every group we have discussed over the past weeks. The State of Connecticut outlawed a question in interviews for employment that addresses previous pay. The idea of this ban refers to the fact that previous pay questions lead to less pay across the board for some minority groups, particularly women. If women (or any minority group member) starts at a low salary level because of discrimination in the past, the question about current salary will allow the new employer to pay the person less.

Discrimination based on previous pay is a situation that is not strictly related to race, gender or ethnicity.In your states, Class, are there employment regulations that address this pay issue?

DISCUSSION 3 100 words


During the election season of 2016, there was much talk about foreigners taking American jobs. I heard an interview the other night during which an older retired man said that to a reporter. Yet, the facts don’t back that information up. Another recent survey also reported that many White Americans believe they are discriminated against. While I try to respect information like this, I found it so hard to believe. It was a legitimate poll, by the Roger Wood Johnson Foundation. Very few of the people interviewed for this survey said they had actually experienced discrimination (less than 20% of those interviewed). We see this, in social science, as dissonance – when people believe something even without any truth to it.

84% of these same people believed that minorities were discriminated against in America.

What are your thoughts, Class, about this recent information?

Discussion 4 100 words

Migrant workers send much of the cash they earn back to their home countries. As you can see by the graph included in the link below, the numbers vary greatly. I thought I’d include a global view (which differs from the view of just the U.S.) for comparison purposes. What are the numbers like across the U.S., Class? Do they compare with the global view? For example, Mexico receives remittances that far outnumber some of the global numbers. Be sure to use legitimate sites when you post the response

Iyengar, Ishi. “Migrant Workers”. CNN 6/15/2017. https://money.cnn.com/2017/06/15/news/economy/migrant-workers-global-remittances/index.html , Accessed 1/8/2019.


Catherine post

I have come across a type of discrimination at work that doesn’t deal with race, gender or ethic background but deals with the type of education one has. Many of my patients refuse to see a nurse practitioner because they believe they don’t do an equal job as a doctor. Nurse practitioners are allowed to do what doctors do which is access the patient, prescribe medication and testing. However, patients discriminate against the type of credentials a person has.

Catherine post


I have lived most of life in New York and in every application that I’ve ever filled out the salary question was always there. There are actually 3 questions they ask. In your previous employment what was your start salary, what was your salary when you left the place of employment and what salary are you looking to make. I presently live in Connecticut and I did not see those questions when I applied. Instead, salary is based on experience and equity.

Kayla post


Institutional discrimination operates by discriminating someone because of their race, ethnic group, or gender. Some examples of institutional discrimination from my workplace would be not including someone to join a group , or go out to eat because their race is different. I personally have not seen a lot of discrimination in my workplace, because I tend to come to work, and do my job, and get along with almost everyone. I have heard stories of people that have experienced it though, or maybe they felt that they were being discriminated because of their gender, sex, or ethnic group.


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