Political Compass Results profile. Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Magstadt, T. M. (2017). Understanding politics: Ideas, institutions, and issues. Australia: Cengage Learning.Political Compass Test Results
- Additional scholarly sources you identify through your own research
Initial Post Instructions
Go to the site: https://www.politicalcompass.org. (Links to an external site.)
Scroll to the end of the site where it says “take the test.”
Answer all of the questions.
After you answer the questions, there will be a chart with your Economic and Social numbers.
After taking the political compass test, tell the class what your scores are and what they mean. Then, analyze why you believe the results or do not believe the scores. Finally, discuss how this course has been beneficial to your daily life and career choice. Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned readings or online lessons, and at least one outside scholarly source.
Professors comment:
So, let us know what your scores are, what you think they mean, and whether or not you think they are accurate. Also, let us know whether you think the score is different than it would have been at the start of class, and if so how come.