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salvation by langston hughes

What is the main idea of Salvation by Langston Hughes? – The main point of “Salvation” is to show the readers Hughes experience of being saved. Being saved is supposed to be a great time where you except Christ into your life, but it was quite the opposite for Hughes.

What is the thesis in Salvation by Langston Hughes? – Hughes is a young lad who misunderstood the salvation process thus making him question whether he received salvation. He argues that he never literally saw Jesus Christ in the process of getting salvation; thus, he never received salvation.

Why does Langston cry in Salvation? – Answer: That night Langston cries because he lied and deceived everybody; this shows that he is a good person. He didn’t want to disappoint the adults. He knows he lied because he pretended to accept that metaphor when he did not even understand it.

Why does the narrator lie at the end of salvation? – Hughes is fooling himself: he may think that he was saved from sin when he was a boy, but his lie in church shows that he did not want to be saved. Although the boy wants to be saved, in the end, he only pretends to be saved “to save further trouble.”

Why does Hughes cry that night? – He cried because he couldn’t bear to tell his Aunt that he had lied, that he had deceived everybody in the church, that he hadn’t seen Jesus, and that now he didn’t believe in Jesus.

When was salvation by Langston Hughes written? – ‘Salvation’, by Langston Hughes is part of an autobiographical work written in 1940. The author narrates a story centering on a revival gathering that happened in his childhood.

Why does Westley get up to be saved? – Why does Westley get up to be saved? He has seen Jesus. He is inspired by the prayers and songs of the congregation.

Why does Hughes cry on the night of his being saved what makes the story of his being saved so ironic? – He cried because he couldn’t bear to tell his Aunt that he had lied, that he had deceived everybody in the church, that he hadn’t seen Jesus, and that now he didn’t believe in Jesus. Salvation: What was Hughes’s attitude toward his experience when it first happened?

Who wrote the story Salvation? – “Salvation” was written by Langston Hughes. The essay recounts the story of Hughes’s loss of faith. Hughes, who is “going on thirteen” at the time, attends a church revival with his Auntie Reed (1).


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