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sonnet 73 theme

What is the theme of Sonnet 73 quizlet? – What is the main idea of sonnet 73? The speaker is trying to break the news to his beloved one that hes going to soon die and that she has to go on alone.

How does Sonnet 73 relate to death and love? – If you take Sonnet 73 on the whole, it’s a poem about how death makes us love all the more, because we know that love will one day be gone. But if you read the first twelve lines, the poem is almost entirely about how stinkin’ awful it is to grow old and crusty and, well, die.

What does Sonnet 73 say about love? – Like many of Shakespeare’s first 126 sonnets, it is a love poem that is usually understood to address a young man. The poem uses natural metaphors of decline and decay to grapple with the onset of old age, and ultimately suggests that the inevitability of death makes love all the stronger during the lovers’ lifetimes.

What does Sonnet 73 say about death? – In Sonnet 73, Shakespeare describes death coming even before an old man breathes his last. He uses the imagery of a tree in autumn, a day before night, and a fire burning away to depict how death slowly takes away the vitality that man once had.

What is the irony in Sonnet 73? – The couplet of ’73’ sums up the journey through nature. It contains irony because the elements that are fading – late autumn, twilight, and a fire – has the power to bring about a greater love. The couplet also has an important message and a warning to it.

Who is the speaker in Sonnet 73? – Sonnet 73 is a love poem. The speaker in the poem suggests that his lover will love him more the older he gets because his physical aging can’t destroy the love they have for each other. Speaker: The speaker is a middle-aged person who is entering the late stages of life.

What is the theme of Sonnet 73 Brainly? – Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 73” tackles the theme of aging and death with an aging speaker who compares his late life to late autumn or early winter. The speaker goes on to explain to his loved one that he/she must express his/her love to him more than ever, as death is upon him.

What is the purpose of Sonnet 73? – Sonnet 73 is not simply a procession of interchangeable metaphors; it is the story of the speaker slowly coming to grips with the real finality of his age and his impermanence in time. The couplet of this sonnet renews the speaker’s plea for the young man’s love, urging him to “love well” that which he must soon leave.

What is the main argument of the poem Sonnet 73 with which three tools does the author prove this argument? – The main argument of Sonnet 73 is that, in loving someone whom he knows to be in the “twilight” of his life, and who is very obviously mortal, the beloved demonstrates that his love is “more strong.” It is representative of a stronger and more devoted love “to love that well which thou must leave ere long.”

What kind of poem is Sonnet 73? – Sonnet 73 is written in typical Shakespearean or English sonnet form. It consists of three quatrains and one couplet at the end, altogether 14 lines written in iambic pentameter with a regular rhyme scheme. The rhyme pattern of this sonnet is: a b a b / c d c d / e f e f / g g.

What does black night mean in the sonnet 73? – The speaker describes the dark of night as “death’s second self.” What he means by this is that night is just like death in that it is a time of darkness and rest. The difference, however, is that the darkness and rest of death are permanent.

How does the poet feel about his mistress’s voice? – How does the poet feel about his mistress’s voice? a. Its grating sound makes him cringe.

What do the last two lines of Sonnet 73 mean? – To love that well which thou must leave ere long. Now, we get the final payoff of the poem. The speaker is telling the listener that not only will their love “become more strong” when they realize that the speaker won’t be around forever, but they’ll also love him “well,” i.e., they’ll cherish him all the more.

What are the metaphors in Sonnet 73? – Metaphor: Shakespeare has used metaphors at several places in the poem such as, “When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang”, “the twilight of such day”, “black night” and “glowing of such fire that on the ashes of his youth doth lie.” These metaphors convey the late stages of his life.

Which of the following best describes the tone used in Sonnet 73? – Which of the following best describes the tone used in Sonnet 73? Each quatrain in Sonnet 73 contains a new and different metaphor than the one before it. True. The speaker in Sonnet 73 is addressing his imminent death.

What is death’s second self? – The correct answer is ‘sleep that gives rest’. Key Points. In the 8th line of the poem, poet mentions ‘Death’s second self that seals up all in rest’. Here, he compares night’s sleep with death. Just like sleep closes the eyes temporarily at night, death will close the eyes permanently.

What three things does the speaker say can be seen in him or her in Sonnet 73? – Winter, twilight, and fire. These symbolize inescapable approach of death.

What advice does the speaker give in the last two lines Sonnet 73? – SONNET 73: What advice does the speaker give in the last two lines? The speaker is telling the listener that not only will their love “become more strong” when they realize that the speaker won’t be around forever, but they’ll also love him “well,”example: they’ll cherish him all the more.


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