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For this assignment, you will use the two journal articles ATTACHED BELOW. Complete the Comparative Scholarly Works Template using these two articles. This is a 3–4-page assignment, including all pages.

  • The first page should be a correctly formatted (current APA edition) title page that includes the title of your study written as a recommendation.
  • The second page will include the Central Research Question for your study and the completed table. The template must be used to compare the two peer-reviewed journal articles. The minimum requirement for this assignment is 1000 words.
  • The last page should be a correctly formatted reference page that contains two references (one for each peer-reviewed journal article).

Comparative Scholarly Works Template
Central Research Question:

Title of the first journal article:
Title of the second journal article:
What do these articles have in common?
How are the results of these two articles different?
How does this information relate to your proposed study? Be specific.
Paste the reference and link to the first article here.
Paste the reference and link to the second article here.

Comparative Scholarly Works Grading Rubric

Criteria Levels of Achievement
Content 80% Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present
Title Page 6 points
Includes all required information.
5 points
Includes most required information.
1 to 4 points
Contains some of the required information.
0 points
Not present
Comparative Scholarly Works Template 68 to 74 points
All 7 sections of the table are completely and accurately answered.
62 to 67 points
6 sections of the table are completely and accurately answered.
1 to 61 points
Less than 6 sections of the table are completely and accurately answered.
0 points
Not present
Structure 20% Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present
Template Compliance/ APA Format 18 to 20 points
Template was used and includes at least 1000 words. Journal articles relate to the research topic and are less than 5 years since publication. Correct APA format is used.
17 points
Template was used and includes between 900-999 words. Journal articles relate to the research topic and are less than 5 years since publication. There are between 2-4 APA format errors.
1 to 16 points
Template was used and includes less than 900 words. Journal articles vaguely relate to the research topic or are more than 5 years since publication. There are more than 4 APA format errors.
0 points
Not present

Central Research Question:

How can the practice of using the General Education Curriculum with Emotional Behavioral Disorders students be improved at Chapman Elementary School?

Article One:

Title of the scholarly work: General Education Teachers’ Perceptions About Inclusion of Students with Emotional-Behavioral Disabilities.
Is this a journal article, book, or other? Dissertation
Is it peer-reviewed? Yes.
What is(are) the major topic(s) presented? Disruptive behavior, emotional behavioral disabilities, inclusive learning environment, and perceptions.
Which words are repeated often? EBD, classroom inclusion, teacher’s perception, teacher-student relationship, and classroom support.
How does this scholarly work answer the problem or address the topic?
Working with students with disabilities is one key thing that most special education teachers are trained to do.  General education teachers are provided with tools, training, and support that may not assist them when working with the different needs of disabled students. The absence of support and training can result in general education teachers to be anxious, concerned, and have undesirable views of being involved with disabled students. How to correctly meet students’ needs and the general teacher’s perceptions have not been addressed by the researchers. However, scholars have discussed the serving of emotionally disabled students in the general education classroom.  Therefore, Chapman Elementary school should strive to fill the gap to provide quality support to teachers with teaching approaches that promote classroom inclusivity.
How does this scholarly work neglect to answer the problem or address the topic?
This study was conducted to understand the perceptions of the general education teachers and what they think about the inclusion of learners suffering from EBD. The participants’ responses made an easy understanding of the different definitions that the general education teachers had about emotional-behavioral disorders.
As per the 2004 IDEA revisions, disabled students should have education in their environments, not restricted.  Many general education teachers are now teaching disabled learners without the necessary tools, support, or proper training being put in place, and this is a result of these revisions. As a result, anxiety and negative perception regarding classroom inclusion start to build to students with EBD in the general education environment. therefore, Chapman Elementary school should investigate the general education teachers’ perceptions about the inclusion of learners suffering from EBD.
What evidence does the scholarly work present regarding the problem or topic?
Most teachers tend to be less proactive and more reactive when working with students, especially when talking about behavior issues. With this study’s help, a good understanding was developed about fundamental causes that influence educators’ perceptions of EBD learners. Recognizing educators’ reactions towards learners with emotional-behavioral disorders on their academic excellence can be enhanced by studying their perceptions. Any school with EBD students should provide education services that advocate for classroom inclusivity and understand teachers’ negative attitudes towards EBD learners. This may also limit the probability of students’ education success.
What data collection methods were used?
The author collected data from participants using face-to-face and semi-structured individual interviews.
What data analysis methods were used?
Data was analyzed using quantitative case study interviews in a semi-structured manner to determine the attitude of general education educators. The QSR NVivo technique was used to code and manage data and evidence-backed up in the transcripts.
What are the strengths of scholarly work?
The underlying strength was the approach used by the writer of identifying general education teachers’ insight of the EBD learners and the assistance required to cultivate the culture of classroom inclusivity. Also, the hypothesis that the students’ who were said to have EBD might have resulted in negative perceptions and anxiety of inclusion by general education teachers were supported by this method. Teachers’ interactions with their students, and the evidence supporting the inclusion setting as evidenced by the methods used in this research.
What are the limitations of scholarly work?
Due to the nature of the qualitative method, it allows it to have limited generalizability of results. It is the only anticipated thing for quantitative methods though not the primary objective. Firstly, this article was limited by its sample size. As a result, the educator’s insight was hardly examined due to the complexity of quantitative research made from the sample size. The study’s sample was another limitation. It means the selected sample for middle grades general education educators was insufficient during their 1-year assessment when conducting inclusivity in the classroom.
What is the theoretical or conceptual framework, if present?
The author of this research used Ajzen’s theory to conceptualize facts and hypotheses made. This model is mostly used in most literature review analysis because it predicts most human social behaviors, both mentally and academically.
To explain and predict human behaviors in various situations is what this approach is considered to do. According to the author, this theory tries to draw a relationship between teachers’ attitudes towards EBD and insight into these learners’ classroom behavior. Chapman Elementary school should, therefore, design a classroom environment and curriculum that promotes inclusivity from EBD students and the general education educators to gain tremendous success.
Does this relate to your study? If so, how?
When our lives are influenced in a manner that transforms society, a positive social change occurs. I have been applying these research findings by providing much knowledge and evidence to general education educators’ insights when interacting with EBD learners. Compared to children diagnosed with EBD, they may establish a typical classroom behavior, as shown by the article. Chapman elementary school administration can provide quality education support to general education teachers using this additional professional development. This would yield positive social change to EBD students and, primarily, when teachers focus on providing quality support to them in the classroom. The article has demonstrated a connection between teachers’ attitude towards learners with EBD and how it might contrarily impact the provided instruction to learners. This move will then open avenues for student success in the general education setting and promote a positive educational change.
What are the results of the study?
In this section, the author used research questions to present findings and show how data was analyzed to conclude. Various descriptions concerning EBD students were revealed through the responses provided from individual interviews. The definition of EBD by different students displayed external behaviors that impend student’s learning capacity. The article has shown that students’ perceptions and expression are areas where students with EBD experience challenges. Most members distinguished a need for more professional development or training as general educators while reaching a member’s experience working with learners experiencing EBD. Participants also discovered it as a rapidly developing area and should be addressed even with some current support places.
Quotes. “The effective instruction would help to improve the students’ strengths and benefits rather than focusing on their less desired behaviors” (p 32)
Reference. Patton, A. (2018). General Education Teachers’ Perceptions About Inclusion of Students with Emotional-Behavioral Disabilities.
Article’s link. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6090&context=dissertations

Article Two:

Title of the scholarly work: The Experiences and Practices of Educators that Teach Students with EBD
Is this a journal article, book, or other? Dissertation
Is it peer-reviewed? Yes
What is(are) the major topic(s) presented? Teacher’s attitudes and experiences towards EBD students.
Which words are repeated often? teacher practices, emotional and/or behavioral disorder
How does this scholarly work answer the problem or address the topic?
This article has addressed various issues students with EBD exhibit, including learning disorders, hard in engaging in healthy relationships, immaturity, aggression, and hyperactivity. While in the classroom, both teachers and other students find it hard to experience a calm environment when engaging with EBD students due to their high rate of disruptive and inappropriate behavior in the classroom. The author says most teachers, especially novice ones, leave the special education field at a shocking rate. Why? The answer lies in how teachers face the challenge of balancing EBD student’s educational and social problems. Therefore, the article has identified several instructional pedagogies geared towards helping these students.
How does this scholarly work neglect to answer the problem or address the topic?
This scholarly has addressed different problems affecting EBD students. For example, Chapman school has been facing dangerous social norms, teacher attrition, and antisocial behaviors from EBD students, and it is time to refocus and improve on the way special education is delivered. The author is recommending approaches that seek to create a learning environment that is more accommodating and meaningful for these students. The moment Chapman school looks forward to increasing student engagement and motivation in the classroom setting will attain the desired goals and objectives meant to better EBD students’ lives.
What evidence does the scholarly work present regarding the problem or topic?
This scholarly article has presented evidence that demonstrates how EBD students find it hard to get engaged in the classroom, how lack of motivation affects their academic performance, and how their learning disabilities and disruptive behavior paralyze the school’s entire learning process. Evidence shows that those EDB students who are actively engaged in the learning effort are unlikely to engage in antisocial activities. There are teaching practices that effectively promote prosocial behaviors to EBD students, while others do not work. Therefore, Chapman Elementary school should borrow the strategies proposed in this article to guarantee future prosperity. These instructional strategies leave both the students and teachers satisfied. It can be disastrous to both students and teachers when practices that do not work are tolerated. It will promote the manifestation of behavior related to behavioral disorders. As such, students with EBD may develop dangerous behavior due to poor teaching. Simultaneously, good behavior and success can be cultured in a classroom environment that values excellent education and inclusivity.
What data collection methods were used?
The medium for gathering this data was semi-structured one-on-one interviews that came about exceed two divide conferences.
What data analysis methods were used?
Authors used a quantitative tradition method to analyze data using an interpretive phenomenological technique that examines how educators engage in practices that inclusively accommodate EBD students. Transcription and reviewing of data were done immediately; data was collected from interview meetings without marking them. The analysis method was conducted through experts’ lens in the field related to personal interpretation and experience.
What are the strengths of scholarly work?
One of the primary strengths of this scholarly article is that it showed how EBD students positively correlate with learning disabilities, which without a doubt affects one’s academic performance and involvement in behavior that warrants disciplinary action. It is the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic social limitations that defines these students’ course and behavior, which has made them left behind in the learning environment of the 21st century.
What are the limitations of scholarly work?
The article presented a significant limitation of merging the collected information through interviews for students with different disabilities with those with behavioral issues. Schools like Chapman must invest in accountability measures and other school-based accountability measures to enhance students’ learning climate with or at risk of EBD.
What is the theoretical or conceptual framework, if presented?
This article was developed under the tenets of Ericsson’s expertise theory. This study’s theoretical framework proposes that teaching practices evolve through experience that educators can only attain within their chosen field. It paved the way for developing a cognitive theory that combines biological sciences and structures during the classic period of psychology. Ericsson firmly believes in superior performance where it is acquired through long periods and deliberate practice. Ericsson suggested that his expertise theory is, much like the brain, a continually improving work with experience.
Does this relate to your study? If so, how?
Yes, the article relates every piece of information to ensure students with EDB needs are met. For example, educators need to modify classrooms and introduce teaching materials that meet EBD students’ social and educational demands. Consequently, there may be an apparent desire for improvement, especially in a learning environment with limited progress. The practice of exploring and identifying implicit signs of frustration and emotional dysregulation is worth researching to improve teachers’ skills and knowledge while handling students with or at risk of EBD. Chapman elementary school may experience challenges when constructing a library of instructional activities though it can bear fruits in the long run. It takes time for a school to modify activities and implement instructional and emotional assessments in the curriculum to meet students with EBD needs. However, it should be a priority to alleviate disruptive behaviors for these students. Teachers must be trained and provided with quality support by the administration if these practices are introduced into a school curriculum program. Furthermore, school leaders and administrators should consider these practices for future development in special education schools with the co-taught environment and self-contained education settings.
What are the results of the study?
The authors found that students with EBD’s academic achievement status is low compared to those without EBD. Instead of prevalent thinking, the article’s information proposes that learners with EBD have a pace of development similar in most or significantly higher than their equivalent grade level friends. To ensure EBD students, remain active and successfully perform in school, teachers need to provide more appropriate and realistic goals. The article further reveals that if educators could take full advantage of the instructional and behavioral interventions, they would convert the special education for EBD students to be more “special” by integrating the evidence strategies with the highest possibility of assisting learners with behavioral issues to attain their potential. Therefore, Chapman Elementary school should evaluate available resources and tools to enhance students’ education with EBD. I believe there are feasible alternatives at hand that should be leveraged to improve programming for students with or at risk of EBD.
Quotes. “If you don’t have the structure in your classroom then, there’s opportunity for behavior to run amok” (p 80).
Reference. Bond, M. (2017). The experiences and practices of educators that teach students with EBD (Doctoral dissertation, Northeastern University).
Article’s link. https://repository.library.northeastern.edu/files/neu:cj82qm28m/fulltext.pdf



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