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Teaching Plan;nursing academic or healthcare setting Teaching Plan.

Teaching Plan;nursing academic or healthcare setting Teaching Plan.. Requirements

Develop a formal Teaching Plan for a target audience in a nursing academic or healthcare setting (Do not develop a Teaching Plan for patients.). Use the template provided to prepare and submit the Teaching Plan.

Preparing the Paper

This assignment will be submitted to the faculty member using the template provided. The Teaching Plan is to include the following information.

Topic/title of presentation

Description of target audience

Program description

Learning objectives written in measurable terms and appropriate for the target audience

Course objectives

Unit objectives

Topical outline of content to be presented (instructional methods to be used including the rationale for the selection of the instructional method)

Learning resources/materials used by the instructor for preparation and student assignments

Methods of evaluation

Presented using the Teaching Plan grid. Format for references is to be completely consistent with APA format, 6th edition

A minimum of three current resources related to the topic chosen for the presentation are to be included

Teaching Plan;nursing academic or healthcare setting Teaching Plan.


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