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Topic Selection ( Follow The Guided Please Let Me Know If You Need Any Asap)

Topic Selection ( Follow The Guided Please Let Me Know If You Need Any Asap). Guided Response: You are required to substantively respond to at least two of your colleagues by day 7 (the following Monday).

As you review the posts submitted by your peers, choose to respond to a peer that selected a topic different than your own. Provide constructive feedback and ask clarifying questions about why they chose the topic. Note how the topic is similar or different than your own. Be sure to check the web link and offer insight as to what you found interesting on the website that is different than what your peer posted. Offer questions and comments that extend the conversation in order to add meaning and substance to the discussion.


Bisceglia White

Part One:
According to the video Action Research in the Classroom part 1 Traditional research is done by someone who is removed from the environment they are researching. Action research is done by someone directly in the environment. Action research are research methods done my teachers administrators, and those who work directly in the field. The definition to me means those who have the hands-on contact with students and can see directly the outcome of the methods they use. An example would be a teacher who uses trainings, evaluations and help from colleagues to reflect on her practice. The value of conducting action research in the educational setting is that it is a real time collection of data and a plan of action is created from that data (Mertler, 2017). Another thing about action research that is valuable is that the teacher uses her own materials setting, and students which makes the information she gathers effective for her classroom (Mertler, 2017). Action research changes the model from the teacher approach to the learner approach as the teacher gains knowledge through the data she has collected (youtube.com). Action research in the Classroom part 2 states that action research evolves based on “what evidence the research has uncovered” (youtube.com)

Part Two:
Disability research is the topic I choose. I chose this topic because I work as a Head Start/Pre-k teacher and I see many different disabilities within our setting. Ten percent of our enrollment has to be children with disabilities. We also must make any necessary accommodations to our classrooms to accommodate them. I also like the broadness of the topic because each assignment I could chose a different disability. The website source that I chose for this week was Autism Speaks. This is a nonprofit website and one thing that I found interesting was 1 in 59 children in the U.S. is affected by autism. Autism is a spectrum disorder and I love how the first quote on the website that you see is “There is no one type of Autism, but many” (Autism Speaks.org). I chose this website because I have a sister with Autism, and I became her legal guardian after my mother passed away. I used websites like this because they were user friendly and did not use research words that I could not understand. I became her guardian at the age of 19 while in nursing school and websites like this were attractive, easy to use, and straight to the point.


Mertler, C. A. (2017). Action research: Improving schools and empowering educators (5th ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/

Milistetd, M., Salles, W. das N., Backes, A. F., Mesquita, I., & Nascimento, J. V. do. (2019). Learner-centered teaching in a university-based coach education: First attempts through action research inquiry. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 14(3), 294–309. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=s3h&AN=136915951&site=eds-live&scope=site




David Swisher

Part One:

While traditional research is conducted by those in the field of study, they are wholly removed from the components they are studying.  Action research is conducted by those that are practicing the area they are researching.  Action research allows collaboration between educators that helps to improve their profession (Mertler, 2017).  I believe that action research provides the best ability to adapt to changes that occur in education.  By focusing on various topics, educators can improve their methodology and model the goal of life-long learning. Eisner said (as cited in Conscious Educating, 2009) “the ultimate aim of education is to enable individuals to become the architect of their education and through that continually reinvent themselves” (2:02). Action research provides this lofty goal by creating a love for continual learning.

Part Two:

The topic I am choosing is implementing change in an education-based organization.  I feel this topic lends well to my current position as a corporate trainer, as well as being in a field of telecommunications; we are always handling change.  I chose www.ascd.org (Links to an external site.) for my research resource.  They are the publisher of Educational Leadership and numerous curriculums in many schools throughout the world.  They hold teacher and leader conferences every year.  They also provide various online training.  I chose this source due to the access to the EL journal and various eLearnings that I can take to improve my effectiveness as a corporate trainer.  I feel this will also help prepare me for when I make a move to public education.



ASCD: Professional Learning & Community for Educators. (2019). Retrieved 5 September 2019, from http://www.ascd.org/Default.aspx 

Mertler, C. A. (2017). Action research: Improving schools and empowering educators (5th ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/

Conscious Educating. (2009, November 7). Action research in the classroom part 1 [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDVH0u4tUWo

Topic Selection ( Follow The Guided Please Let Me Know If You Need Any Asap)


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