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VIII Homework

VIII Homework.

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Unit VIII Problem Solving


Your book presents all of the formulas you will need to complete this assignment, except for the average molecular speed, shown below.


μavg = √???????????? ????·????



1. Let’s show the formula for molecular speed at work. Provide a line-by-line solution for the molecular speed of each of the following five gases at 300K: CO, SF6, H2S, Cl2, HBr. You must show your work for each gas to get full credit (6 points for each gas). Finally, use these speeds to help place the five gases in order of increasing average molecular speed i.e. lowest to highest speeds (3 points).

 2. Now let’s calculate the rms speeds of CO and Cl2 gas by providing line-by-line solutions for each molecule. You must show your work for each gas to get full credit (16 points for each gas). Compare your calculated rms speeds of the CO and Cl2 molecules at 300 K by explaining any potential fundamental differences between the molecules (1 point).Â

3. The most probable speed formula behaves similarly to the molecular speed formula. Calculate the most probable speeds of the CO and Cl2 molecules by providing line-by-line solutions for each molecule. You must show your work for each gas to get full credit (16 points for each gas).

 Compare the molecular speeds of the CO and Cl2 molecules at 300 K by explaining any potential fundamental differences between the molecules (1 point).

Finally, from your calculations what is the trend in similarities between rms speeds for CO and Cl2 and the most probable speeds for CO and Cl2 (1 point)?

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VIII Homework


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