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What biological and social factors might have influenced your gender identity?

Question 01

Please watch this brief video illustrating Piaget’s classic studies of conservation in the preoperational stage:

Conservation task (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Conservation task

Give at least two reasons why Piaget says that young children cannot conserve.

Question 02

Would you describe your own gender identity as “feminine”, “masculine”, or “androgynous”? What biological and social factors might have influenced your gender identity?

Question 03

Three-year-old Ben lives in the country, with no other preschoolers nearby. His parents wonder whether it is worth driving Ben into town once a week to participate in a peer play group. What advice would you give Ben’s parents, and why?

Number of Pages: 2

Deadline: 5 hours

Format: APA

References: At least 5


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