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What struggles with sexism and racism do you think still exist today, if any?

What are your thoughts on the relationships between women and health care and black people and health care? What do you think about using women in medical studies and the old prohibitions against doing so? What is your response to Tuskegee? What struggles with sexism and racism do you think still exist today, if any?

You will be asked to respond briefly (250-500 words) to a text or philosophical issue in four “Response Papers,” each worth five percent toward your final grade. Each “Response Paper” should have the same basic form: first, track the main thrust of the assigned text. Pick out the key points, and outline what’s at stake. Then, I expect you to respond critically to the text, taking a side on the issue, making an argument, pointing out some insightful implications, and solidifying your position with good reasoning, etc. A successful “Response Paper” addresses itself to both of these components. You are expected to engage critically and thoughtfully with the text or issue, above all.


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