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times new rome 12
2 pages double space

One margin

follow the instructions below


• At least two typed pages, double spaced, one-inch margins

• You MUST include the following:

o Why did you choose this book? Include the Title and Author and give at least

two reasons you chose it

o Provide an overview of the story’s content, which includes the main

characters, the main conflict, and the resolution to the problem. (Or for

non-fiction, a summary of main points and examples)

o Explain how the book illustrates the theme you identified. Please use at least

4 direct quotes with the page numbers from the text to support your


o Explain why you would or would not recommend this book to a friend. Be sure

to include the overall message or main points of the work.


• Your Reflection Essay is due the first week of School.

• You will meet with the teacher / staff member who sponsored the book and turn in the

essay after discussing it with your group.

• The sponsor will assess your participation in the discussion and evaluate the paper based

on the rubric below:

Scoring Standards: Each item receives a score of 1 (low) – through — 5 (high)

1 = Substandard 2 = Severely lacking 3 = Adequate 4 = Effective 5 = Outstanding

1. Identifies and explains at least two reasons for choosing the text and includes title and author

2. Explains how the text illustrates a theme: Essay uses 4 quotes (with page numbers) to support

what you claim as the theme.

3. Essay provides the full sweep of the book – what are the main elements of plot:

• Who are the main characters?

• What is the central conflict?

• How does it all end?

4. Includes insightful recommendation to a friend, which includes the book’s overall message.

5. Quality of grammar and spelling; participation in discussion.

6. SCORING………. 25 possible points

20 – 25 points = High Pass………..Worth 3 points added to 1 st Quarter English Grade

10 – 19 points = Pass………………Worth 1 point added to 1 st Quarter English Grade

9 points and lower…………………Need to Re-do the essay

***If you do not sign up for a book by end of June, one will be assigned to you!


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